Stephen L. Nelson, RN
Nashville TN
In only two sessions with Jeff, I have experienced healing and have begun to break through barriers to authentic living. Jeff is grounded, compassionate and in tune to the Divine. He is respected within the healing and mental health community. He has great depth of soul, is intuitive and kind. He is the real deal.

Shannon Hull
Clarksville TN
Jeff is a gifted healer, excellent teacher and mentor. I have received several healing sessions from Jeff and have been a long time student of his. If you are looking for answers to your path in life and/or want to learn about healing Jeff is the #1 choice!!!!!

Shorntai Patton
Nashville, TN
Jeff is an awesome mentor & teacher! Highly recommended!!! Talented, down-to-earth, and trustworthy.
Thank you to the many clients and students who took the time to share a testimonial of our time spent together. Each of these people holds a special place in my heart for allowing me to be a part of their personal growth and healing. I invite you to consider your own evolution and journey of healing and book a class or service with me today.

Thank You!

Chris Hancock, LCSW, ACMHP
Franklin, TN

I became aware of Jeff years ago through a therapy client who had a profound experience with him. Right away I intuitively knew this was no accident. I immediately signed up for his Tarot Intensive weekend workshop and was instantly taken with his down to earth manner, sense of humor, and absolute MASTERY of the Tarot. Jeff and I have since become both colleagues and friends and I've personally experienced multiple healing sessions by his hands, and he helped counsel and Tarot me through the early stage of a powerful Dark Night of the Soul/Psychic Dismemberment experience a few years back. The story of how Jeff became "Nashville's Shaman," his personal Hero's Journey marked by incredible resilience, re-invention, and his transmutational gifts, is only trumped by his natural gentleness, wisdom, and unmistakable authenticity. With his beautiful integration of indiginous and modern/western shamanic and energy healing skills, what you experience with Jeff, in my view, is largely up to what the invisible forces working through his mind, heart, and hands have in store. But rest assured, he's the real deal. Whether on his table, through his life coaching, or his Tarot Mastery, you may or may not not get what you want or think you need. But as with all true healing endeavors, you'll get what you do need at that time, according to your readiness. Obviously, I could not recommend Jeff more. Tell him Therapy Outside the Box sent you.

Quantum Light Healing®
“My session with Jeff was beautiful and profound. I came into the session not knowing what to expect, and left with so much clarity, calm, and a greater sense of my life’s purpose. For days afterwards I experienced deep spiritual insights that have changed the way that I see myself and the world. Jeff is so very tapped in and connected. I know that I received exactly what I needed through Jeff and am just so grateful. I have recommended him to all of my friends!”
-Amanda Brewer, Nashville TN
"I've tried other healing modalities from other practitioners for over a year now. When I had a session with Jeff, I noticed there were certainly differences in his type of healing methods. With other healing sessions, I generally feel an overall sense of well being. With Jeff's Quantum Healing, I feel like I'm getting something a bit more in-depth and impactful. My sense of clarity was astonishingly obvious after a session. I will definitely be back to do it again!"
- Alexander Johnson
"Jeff is a skilled healer of the spirit, mind, and body, and in that order. His approach addresses every aspect of your being that you consciously and subconsciously recognize as real and experienceable; in this way you will learn to participate in your healing process, which you will finally discover to be the most valuable gift a healer can give."
- Brian Gibson, Nashville TN
"Jeff is amazing. He is empathic and makes you feel comfortable immediately. My husband survived stage 4 cancer and I believe the sessions with Jeff helped save his life. "
C. Akins, Hermitage, TN
"Wonderful man. He's done more for my wife the first week than the doctors have in 10 years!"
- MoJoe D.
“Amazing and transformative experience for me, my 5 year old son, and my little brother. Thank you so much for bringing your work through Spirit to Nashville, TN!”
-Jade Moonyhan, Nashville TN
“When I came to Jeff, I was just a basket-case of anxiety, depression, anger and stress. I was under my doctor’s care with medication to combat this; however, it really was not working too well. My emotional life was totally out of control and had been for years. I cried at the drop of a hat, I was angry and anxious all the time, my mind was a continual jumble of emotions and throughts, I couldn’t make a decision, and it took every ounce of my energy to get to work and just through a day. I was exhausted all the time. After my hour session with Jeff, I walked out feeling a little bit better, but not what I hoped for. However, in the weeks that followed there was a gradual change that, at first, I was unaware of. Then one morning I woke up and realized that for the first time in many, many years, I was actually happy and smiling! Then I remembered how happy I used to be, but since it was so long ago, I ‘d forgotten. Then this new/old happiness became obvious to others, friends, family members, and even people I didn’t know and they all commented on my smile, my attitude change, and glow of life. Yesterday I went to see my doctor and she asked me, “What have you done? You look marvelous, so much younger than last time I saw you and so relaxed and happy”. I had not seen her since my visit to Jeff, so I told her about my experience with Jeff. She was just speechless. Seeing Jeff was the best thing I have ever done for my emotional and physical health. Thank you, Jeff, for giving me my life back! Being this happy and relaxed is a gift from God and the Universe! Sincerely,”
-Nancy Harlan, Nashville TN
“Even though I had a short healing session with Jeff Crawford, it was such a wonderful and deep experience! When Jeff started working on me I felt heavy, almost like I was being pressed down on the table. Then a white light scanned down my whole body, starting from the top of my head down to my feet, similar to a copy machine. For the rest of the session the light continued, but in streaks down my body like a rain storm. During the entire session my hands and feet were twitching. Now, after the session, I feel as if I have a better understanding overall in my life and in all the situations I am presented with. Jeff does fantastic work and I highly recommend having a session with him! ”
-Aubrey McMillan, Bon Aqua TN
"I had a healing done by Jeff Crawford at the Galactic Expo this past Saturday. So far a Psoriasis spot on my neck has disappeared. I have been trying to get rid of it for months. My allergies are much better as well as my Asthma. Interesting fact: For several hours after my stomach hurt and I broke out in hives but I feel this was my body expelling toxins. Kind of like what can happen if you get a lymphatic massage!"
-Trisha Clarke, LaVergne TN
"I recently completed the Quantum Light Healing™ course. The class was small. I felt that made it more personal, with more focus on what *I* was doing. Jeff's other courses all teach you something integral to this class. They laid the foundation to a basic level of knowledge and experience needed to start this course. This combined with his unique teaching style made it a very productive weekend.
Coming from a technical background, I was surprised to learn that this can't be "taught" in the formal sense. While we were guided through demonstrations, this is for the intuitive healer. Come with an open mind and leave your expectations at the door. We don't know what we don't know, but I left this course knowing so much more.
This healing modality has offered me the ability to connect with my clients at a much deeper level. In addition to working with people, my work with animal rescue has been forever changed. Thank you, Jeff!"
- Christopher Holden, Nashville, TN
"HI Jeff!!, I am feeling so very very well!! I left our session yesterday feeling so empowered and with several intentions that I truly look forward to practicing and living through. I'm so very pleased that out of all the synchronicities that have been a part of my journey the last two years that one of them was Chris's referral for me to see you. You are truly suchan inspiration and a blessing. Thank you so very much. I look forward
to scheduling another session.....Have a blessed day!.....".
- Theresia, Franklin, TN

Tarot readings and classes
“I have learned more in two days than I have learned from the many books I have read. I wish I would have taken this class long ago. I can’t wait for your next classes!! Thank you for your wisdom!” M. Hancock
"When I first went to see Jeff, I was a little reserved. I wanted to be sure I hadn’t fallen prey to yet another reader that got his signals mixed up with someone other than myself. I went into the session providing little information about the reason for my visit. I didn’t even KNOW what the reason for my visit was. I just knew that my spirit was led to him for reasons beyond my own understanding (at that time). Once he started with his reading, he touched on subject I’d been contemplating but did not mention. From that point on, he continued to hit the nail on the head for every aspect and issue I had concerns about. I was so impressed at the end of my tarot reading, that I signed up for his Tarot Class."
- Tira Adams
“Thank you so much for an excellent 2-days class. I have taken classes for many years and the reading of the cards eluded me until I participated with your teachings. I now have a clear and practical understanding of how to read and understand the cards and their prophetic messages. I will be back to take more classes with you. You have a wonderful way of sharing your knowledge and the learnings you have developed. Your pleasant manner and freely sharing knowledge makes you the best teacher I have ever been fortunate to work with. Thanks, and the chicken soup was great! ”
-B. Dillard
"I visited you almost a month ago for a Tarot session and Energy Healing as I have been trying to cope with an ended relationship. I want you to know how important those sessions were toward my healing. I'm still grieving and working through a lot, but I am grateful for your time and new perspectives I received. I will certainly visit you again later in the summer or the fall, but in the meantime, I just wanted to say thank you."
- Anonymous
"Jeff is a great instructor! He made the information fun and interesting, which made the material easy to grasp. I highly recommend this course! Looking forward to Tarot II?"
- Mary Glesige
"I had a reading with Jeff that was not only very accurate but gave me so much more clarity in my life....I'm sure I'll be going back to see him again soon. I definitely recommend him!"
- Mandy Key Kahn
"The class was perfect. There was a lot of material to cover, but Jeff broke down the material in segments and allowed us to practice and understand before moving forward. Excellent job! I highly recommend this class!"
- Janet McCormick
"Jeff was extremely professional. He made me feel at ease immediately. I definitely left with a clear sense of knowing which path I should follow. I will absolutely be returning for more guidance in the near future. Thanks for a clearer understanding as to why I have been limiting myself."
-Jana W. Brentwood TN
"This class has exceeded any expectations I may have had on the first day. I can see how to appluy these experiences and lessons in my life to help improve my abilities to navigate pathways. I am overwhelmed! Thank you, "
- "Queen of Swords" Shannon Rich Nashville, TN
“Last night I had a really cool experience. I met with Jeff Crawford in Berry Hill for a Reconnective Healing session and a tarot reading. The healing session was pretty intense. I’ve tried last night and again this morning to find the words to describe what is was like, but I can’t. At one point I felt a huge weight had lifted off of my chest. I literally felt the room shift. I know where I am supposed to be. I know that good things are coming ( I know I always say that. I’m always looking for the silver lining), but the difference is now I KNOW it to be true. I just do. The reading validated what I was told in New Orleans last October about my writing and about my place on this planet and why I am like I am. I’m just wired this way. I am a very intense, emotional, senstitive, passionate person. I’m going to stop trying to change who I am and I’m going to embrace it. All of it. If are interested in this or something like this, you should give him a try.”
-Mandy Haynes, Nashville TN
“This was a fantastic intro class! I learned so much in a short amount of time and really feel like I have a good foundation for understanding The Tarot. I would encourage anyone who’s interested in learning about this amazing practice to go to this intro class by Jeff Crawford. Lots of fun!”
-Robin Barnes

"Experienced another amazing healing session today, what made it even better was that it was with my son!!! Mind blowing to say the least. Jeff Crawford, you are an amazing life coach!! There are no accidents. #stepintoyourpower!!!"
-Vickie Wright, Nashville TN
"Hi Jeff, Well, it’s been a year since I’ve gotten back home to Indiana. It took almost 8 months to recover and be capable of getting a job.
- Now I work for one of the best ad agencies in Chicago as their main account manager.
- I’m about to sign a publishing contract.
- I see a therapist twice a week.
- I file bankruptcy, move into my own apartment and officially close my business next week.
- I get to see my brothers and niece/nephews on a weekly basis and get very special time with them.
- I’ve made new friends and so many memories.
- I talk to an attorney tomorrow who may possibly take on my sexual assault case. If she doesn’t, I have more steps I can take.
Thank you again for encouraging me to follow my gut and helping me have the courage to get out of San Jose and end the affair. "
- H.D.
"I was lucky enough to meet Jeff at one of his presentations at Cosmic Connections. Jeff is an amazing healer and very gifted in what he does. His work has helped me tremendously on all levels, and I always look forward to my next appointment with him. He is genuine and caring, and truly loves his work. I recommend him to anyone I speak to, I'm very grateful to have found him."
-Tina Santos, Lascasses TN
"I thought of you last night and how you have helped me along my path. Over the last couple of weeks, I have began to feel differently. I feel a peace, a new beginning, a new channel/path in my life. It is sometimes hard to put into words yet it seems magical. I am excited to continue the journey down my path in life. I feel an excitement for what lies ahead. Thank you"
- Janet M., Nashville, TN
"Jeff is a fantastic person. My encounters with him have truly changed my life for the better. I initially went to him for Reconnective healing. I continued to go when I noticed positive changes occurring between sessions. Then I did the Reconnection with him and found a sense of purpose and connection to my spiritual life that I had not felt in many, many years. From there, I ended up taking all of his classes and am now on my way to having my own business where I offer metaphysical healing. He is a positive force in my life and is always there to lend encouragement and helpful advice. I also highly suggest getting a tarot card reading from him. They have always been spot-on and have helped me navigate situations that were stressful. With all this being said, just being able to reconnect with my spiritual life would have been enough. I will forever be grateful to Jeff for that."
-Laura Kerr, West Salem NC
"Jeff is a gifted healer, excellent teacher and mentor. I have received several healing sessions from Jeff as well as a long time student of his. If you are looking for answers to your path in life and/or want to learn about healing Jeff is the #1 choice!!!!!"
-Shannon Hull, Clarksville TN

reconnective healing®
and the reconnection®
“I am extremely grateful and excited to have finally begun to live my life, being able to acknowledge and use my gifts to help others along their life’s journey. This is the gift given to me while meeting and having my Reconnective Healing with Jeff Crawford. I am looking forward to attending Jeff’s classes to learn more techniques with which I can be able to help others and myself. Jeff is a very special soul that is here to share his knowledge, wisdom and gifts in a very unique way. I recommend him for every aspect of healing.”
-Michelle Elaine, Nashville TN
“I found Jeff through my daughter who he as also healed, reconnected and trained to the level of Reiki Master and she continues to train to be the best version of herself that she can be. I have had six long distance healings with Jeff and came to Nashville for my Reconnection just last week. I have never met any human being like Jeff. He is so kind and humble, but yet a spiritual giant. I’ve had an ability to sense energy for decades now, and Jeff is a conduit for pure source energy beyond any human I’ve ever met. His power is unmeasurable! My healings were all very profound and I experienced many things that were not of this earth realm during my healing sessions. My Reconnection was even more profound. I even saw one of his tribe members standing next to me in the physical realm as Jeff was on the other side of me working on my Reconnection! That is just a small taste of what my Reconnection was like. My life is forever changed and I will only grow from here. Thank you, Jeff. I truly love you!”
-David C. Stitt, Fairhope AL
"I recently had a Reconnection session with Jeff and the whole experience immediately changed my life. My intuition is heightened dramatically and I'm able to see spirits and I can see people and objects with so much more clarity. I feel so magical now and I'm genuinely happy inside just because...I no longer need a reason to be happy, happiness is just there. Syncronicities are everywhere now and I'm so excited! I'm currently on my journey to become a healer with Jeff's guidance along the way. Great things are happening already since my reconnect! I felt very safe and at ease in Jeff's presence. Oh, also I had my first ever Tarot reading with Jeff and it was amazing! I know it sounds like I'm yelling alot on here but I'm really just so excited about my new journey. Thanks so much Jeff!"
- Carma Halley, Nashville, TN
“I decided to try Reconnective Healing with Jeff Crawford because I felt like I needed a new beginning and a new direction in life… I had been on TV and made all my dreams come true and now I was in a stuck spot. I immediately felt some sort of awakening… Like a veil was being lifted… I’ve always believed in Synchronicity, but this experience surpassed my beliefs… I am grateful for experiencing Reconnective Healing with Jeff and I look forward to fulfilling new dreams…”
-Chrissy "Wee Wee" Percelli, Nashville TN
“I’ve had 2 Reconnective Healing sessions with Jeff. He is truly a gifted energy worker and healer. Every day I can see and feel the changes in my body, my life, and my mind. I thank God that I was led to Jeff. He has changed my life with his work. This man is stuck with me for life! I plan to continue working with him and all of the modalities he employs. If you want to have a life-changing experience, Jeff is your man. If you are not in Nashville, no problem. He does distance work as well. Make and investment in yourself. You are worth it and so is he.”
-Patrice Notaro, Washington DC
“Hi Jeff!, I had a session of Reconnection with you about a month ago. After the session I kind of took a step back for a bit to integrate and see/ feel what would happen. And I think that something has! One of the things I wanted to change through the Reconnection is my physical alignment- I had been told that I had a long right leg which led to a high right hip and caused alignment issues in my back and on up. The difference in leg length was small, less than a quarter of an inch, but it was noticeable if you looked and its effects on how I felt were very noticeable. … this week the low back pain has stopped. And over the past couple of days, I have had the impression (internal, not observed visually) that my left hip is higher than my right. But when I look at my alignment in a mirror, now, neither hip looks high. Actually, my hips look level! I think that my left hip started feel high because it had come to level, when it had been low before, and proprioceptively, normal translated to high, in the same way that you might feel light when you stop wearing/ carrying something heavy. I do not have a way to verify this to others, because I did not have an X-ray to see what my hips were doing before seeing you, so having one now will not prove anything to anyone but me, but I do believe that I am level now. Anyway, my back is definitely better! So thank you!”
-Miyo Kacho, Clarksville TN

distance healing
"I had a session via phone today with Jeff. I've had 30 yrs. of experience with various teachers, healers, tarot readers and more. Jeff is connected to his fire and sacred self allowing an in depth ability to channel sacred truths clearly and pure. When an individual walks a sacred path dedicated to the responsibilities it requires, you receive unfiltered truths. For those that may be skeptical or even frightened..........don't. He assists you for YOUR highest sacred good. I encourage anyone needing assistance to take a step forward to have a session with Jeff. There is nothing to fear. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you awakened wondering why you waited so long with a smile in your heart. Your journey awaits.............Many Blessings to you Jeff. I am grateful."
-Denise Bellemeur, Florida
"Not enough stars to rate this one! Jeff is a wonderful healer - best I have encountered! Please do yourself a favor and contact him. He's great long distance too - you could live on another planet and he can still help you! Very loving and caring, he'll be able to address any issue you have going on and help get you headed in the right direction.
Thank you Jeff for helping me out, I can never repay you for all you've done!"
-Laura Bolen, Nashville TN
“I LOVE JEFF!!!! Initially I was not too sure what to expect when I had my first session with him, but I felt instant relief in my anxiety after my first session. I have had a few more sessions with Jeff since to help me with my anxiety and also releasing my kidney stone. I have always come out of the session feeling more aligned and calmer.
I trust Jeff despite never having met him personally. I have had to work with him via Skype as I live outside of USA, but even so, our interaction has always been pleasant and he is in tune with how I am feeling and has always been able to help me.”
-S. Mamtora, Bermuda
“I had a distance healing with Jeff just recently. I have to admit that I was skeptical that it would work. Be assured, it works! I think it was even more powerful for me from a distance. Maybe because I was in my own bed and could relax more??? Regardless, the experience was phenomenal and I am still processing and integrating all of this fabulous energy and healing. The morale of the story is if you are not close enough to see Jeff person, have no fear. His energy works the same far or near!”
A Few Weeks Later…
“So its been a few weeks and I wanted to note some of the changes I’ve gone through. First of all, I’ve since done another session with Jeff and in that particular session, I was actually smelling scents. When I described the scents to Jeff after the session, we knew it was actually from the items he was using during the session FROM A DISTANCE. I also had a moment of totally and completely blankness, like someone hit the reset button on my brain. Anyone who knows even a little about the chakras, probably knows that the heart is the center of manifestation. The upper and lower chakras with a combined intent, meeting at the heart, will cause a creation. At least this is the way I understand it. Since working with Jeff, I totally realized that I had figuratively, but spiritually, in a very real way, cut off my lower body and head from the trunk of my body. I feel a deep coming together of all these parts now. I understand why moving forward spiritually has been so difficult. I had fragmented myself, but now I am coming back together. I am so thankful that I found this man!”
-Patrice Notaro, Washington DC

"Hi Jeff! I want to thank you for the session yesterday. As it was my first reiki session I’ve ever had, I am surprised by how intense the feelings were. ...The strongest feelings were when you held my head and when you placed your hands on my face. I felt the most intense love inside of me. It was something I have never felt before, and it was this unconditional, life changing love that was exploding inside me. It was so wonderful... I know your energy is so kind, loving and powerful. I first felt it when I had a tarot card reading from you over the summer. It was so strong that it actually drew me over to your booth. And the funny thing is, I remember that I felt so amazing during that time I was near you... Thank you so much, Jeff."
- Amy Alder, Murfreesboro, TN
"It was truly a magical experience that I’ll never forget.
The teacher for the class is a Shaman in the Nashville area named Jeff Crawford. He did a phenomenal job of organizing the class and providing us the knowledge – day one – to believe in ourselves and our natural capabilities. Day two (attunement day!) was equally as rememberable....[read the full blog post]
-Rachel Duty, Smyrna TN
“I was extremely pleased with the Reiki 1 & 2 courses. I came to the class with little understanding of how Reiki worked. I now have an incredible understanding of this new way to give love and light to the universe. Jeff is incredible with his teaching methods … Thank you so much, Jeff. I really enjoyed the class! ”
-S. Hull
"Good Morning Jeff,
I am loving the Reiki energy healing you’ve helped me with. Life is very different now. I’m feeling my heart opening up and feeling new messages coming to me. It’s honestly a bit scary because as my heart opens I am learning to send love out to everyone. Sounds cheesy right but protecting my love/heart from the takers, haters and users was safe and closed down. Life experience kinda beat me down and so I learned survival protective stop the heart flow and live critically. Live self supportively, stay tiny so to speak. Guess this is why I’ve always looked and searched for a way out of being tiny and grow safely. Reiki helps me every time I help someone else. This really works for me as I truly love to give...combine that with healing energy work and that’s a big Wow! Light switch moment, it completed the “circuit”.
Thank you for your guidance on my spiritual path. "
- Anita F., Antioch, TN
“Jeff Crawford is talented in teaching Reiki methods; both in subject matter and energetically. Walking into the space, I felt high energy. He explains methods in a manner that makes them easily understood at a core level. He leaves the ego at the door and teaches from the heart. ”
-J. Sophia
I've had the benefit of Jeff's Reiki healing and Reconnective healing sessions and I can highly recommend him for either modality. I suspect that any service he offers will not disappoint - he is the real deal and a gifted healer who just keeps getting better. Book with confidence!
-Neal Cappellino, Nashville TN
"Jeff: I thought I would let you know that Roscoe, the miniature dachshund, continues to to be healthy. It is going on two years since you worked with him. His pancreatitis has not returned and his general health remains very good for a fourteen-year-old dog. Thank you for working with him. The story of his treatment and health is one we tell often.
Thank you for all that you do."
-Ron Emrich, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
“Reiki 1 & 2 Education with Jeff was wonderful. I have had Reiki classes elsewhere previously and this class was so much better and more informative with better handouts & more hands-on training. I would only recommend Jeff for energy training. Thanks, Jeff! See you for Reiki 3!”
-J. Weir
Jeff has a gentle, practical approach to teaching Reiki. His vast experience is available, but presented only when needed. The class space is comfortable and inviting. Very validating and supportive experience. I highly recommend Jeff Crawford.
-Beth Witte, Antioch TN
“Jeff Crawford is a talented and sincere Reiki practitioner and Tarot reader. I came to Jeff to get a reading, but ended up also spending time discussing the true meaning of Reiki and left feeling I had met a friend and fellow warrior. I am always looking for those genuine healers who believe that Reiki should be shared by all. As a fellow Reiki Master, I believe that Jeff is the real deal. Thank you, Jeff, for your work and your light.”
-Danan Whiddon, Nashville TN
"I had a healing session with you this past Saturday. I just want to thank you for everything. After I left after the session I just keep thinking how I wish I had more time. I felt at peace. When I walked out of there it was like the weight of the world was no longer on my shoulders the demons I had inside me was no longer there. The pain of my childhood was at ease. The way I felt during the session was unbelievable I felt like all the negative energy was just flowing out with ease and I have been fighting it for years. My body felt light as a feather and now I can finally think clearly. I know what I want to do with my life I know what my purpose is now I want to help people that are going thru what I went thru. The struggle to admit what was driving me down a dark path and help them see the true blessings that is out there. I want to continue more healing sessions with you. I want to be able to learn more and grow more in this area of my life and be able to open up doors for me and my wife to do what we truly believe is our life's purpose. I just want to thank you again for helping the way you did. "
- S. Curry, Nashville, TN

"There would never be enough room here for all I'd want to say about Jeff. Jeff is a no b.s., no bells and whistles, mutli-disciplinary healer. He is trained in, skilled at, and teaches various modes of energy healing. He's an intuitive and an authentic Shaman-- as recognized by a Peruvian indigenous tribe of shamanic healers. (Healers are plentiful, but this is RARE). Jeff's ability to read and heal on the energetic, soul and spiritual level is bar none. He combines his God-given gifts and nuts and bolts training in a way that makes him a thoroughly modern mystic of sorts. Jeff is also a Tarot Master. Don't be fooled by popular conceptions. The Tarot is a powerful, ancient tool, not some eye-patch wearing gypsy shell game carny scheme. Jeff KNOWS (and expertly teaches) the Tarot. Combined with his intuitive prowess, it's a powerful tool for insight and awakening in his hands. Last but not least, Jeff's insight and intuitive capacity makes him a thoroughly effective life and spiritual coach. In this work, he gets right to the heart, right to the point about what needs addressing, in an empowering manner. Jeff and I share many clients. He sees what I cannot and does what I cannot do. Invariably, my work is enhanced when people combine therapy with his healing ability. "
-Chris Hanckock, LCSW
Nashville, TN
"Felicitaciones hermano eres un grande en el camino de la medicina."
- Cesar Maynas Bardales, Master Shaman, Pucallpa, Peru
"Jeff Crawford is one of the most humble and real healers and teachers I have had the pleasure of working with. He truly is no-nonsense and though walks a mystical path, he parts the veil of mysticism to allow for a practical approach to the healing and energetic arts."
- Dana Croy, Sun in Cancer Enterprises
Joelton, TN
"Hi, Jeff. It’s been a couple of weeks since my reiki session and I wanted to let you know that I had an appointment with my eye doctor and my pressure readings for my eyes were normal. I have been dealing with the glaucoma for years. I am so excited and the neuropathy in my legs is much better. There is no more swelling in my feet and ankles. I am so grateful for your assistance and guidance of my healing. Thank you, thank you!!"
- Sharon Stinson
Nashville, TN
"Hey Jeff! I'm just checking in and reporting what I've experienced since I've seen you. The pain in my shoulder has subsided. There were days when it was rainy and I could feel what kind of pain day I was going to have, but it never came. I feel lighter. I was carrying this weight on my shoulders and it's still there but not as much. I've had this natural high and I don't feel like Eeyore. In fact, my friend said I sounded chipper on the phone. I plan to continue working with you because it can only get better from here! Thanks so much!"
- Molly Mills
Murfreesboro, TN
"What is not to love about Jeff and his ability to teach what could otherwise be a difficult class?! He broke it down as if a fourth-grader had to explain it. This helped the class to better understand what this [Reiki] is and, most importantly, how to explain this [Reiki] to those around us in order to spread it out to the world. The space provided is a conscientiously healthy and healing environment. It is more of a relaxed atmosphere, not rigid. So time just flows from the beginning of the class to the end." [Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
Darren Williams
Nashville, TN
“I meant to email you before now, but time just got away from me. I see that you are staying busy and sharing your gifts with so many others. You certainly made a difference in my life…that is for sure, and I really appreciate you. I continue to feel the shift and growth in my spirit, and my physical issues are much more ‘tolerable’. Amazing. I know that some of the physical things caused by the past radiation stuff for me will never be the same or ‘fixable’, but I will honestly say that I am coping so much better and not only with the physical issues, but the mental stuff as well. You truly have a gift and I am lucky to have been a recipient! “
- Pamela Lambiase
Nashville, TN
"Jeff is an incredibly talented healer and teacher! I highly recommend giving him a visit if you haven't already. Very kind, professional, and knowledgeable! "
-Caroline Davis, Nashville, TN
"Jeff is incredible!! Even just 1 session with him makes such a big difference! For me it provided mental clarity and helped me to release some things that needed to go and they have never come back!"
- Aubrey McMillan
Bon Aqua, TN
“In only two sessions with Jeff, I have experienced healing and have begun to break through barriers to authentic living. Jeff is grounded, compassionate and in tune to the Divine. He is respected within the healing and mental health community. He has great depth of soul, is intuitive and kind. He is the real deal.”
-S. Nelson, Nashville TN
“Hi Jeff,
Since it’s been about a month since The Reconnection, I wanted to check in and let you know how things are going.
Even though there’s some stressful situations in life, I seem calmer and am bringing a more loving/merciful attitude to my work and life. Some of my physical issues seem to be resolving as well. My presentations seem to be at a higher level and the weekend after The Reconnection, I ended up writing a 30 page workbook and PowerPoint presentation for a workshop over the course of two days!”
-Michele Gourley
Nashville TN www.spacemattersnashville.com
“Hey Jeff!!!! I’ve been pretty awesome since The Reconnection! The Reconnection was a profound and invigorating experience in itself. I left feeling so energized! That vitality has continued to flow throughout different aspects of my life. I am energized, happy, meeting myself more and more each day. My awareness has increased, especially when faced with conflict; I can process whatever my relation is more efficiently. I can also feel the people closest to me happier. There’s a greater sense of love within my interactions and within myself. I am Extremely appreciative of this upgrade and thank you, Jeff, for tuning in and sharing! You rock!”
- Cynthia Cardenas
Nashville, TN
"I just recently reviewed my 2019 Pulmonary doctor's examination results and I see he said I had an oxygen level of "91%" (if it goes as low as 88% he would prescribe oxygen). Well in January 2020 I had a routine test that showed my oxygen level was 99%! I think it was a result of your work last fall on my etheric self! So I'm ready for another 'TUNE UP' Haha!!"
- Suzi Kip
Osprey, FL
“If you are ready to make major shifts in your life, go visit Jeff. I first saw Jeff at the Galactic Expo and was immediately drawn towards the concept of Reconnective Healing and it’s description as a less subtle form of energy work. Having experienced Qi Gong and Reiki without feeling anything very strongly, I was pleasantly surprised and intrigued when in the less than five minute “sample session” I received, I could really feel him working on me and felt enlivened the entire day after that! When I came in for my first session, the experience was profound. As I lay on the table, it felt like the entire world around me was spinning in circles. I felt glued to the table and more relaxed than ever. When the session was over, I could barely move or talk for at least 30 minutes because I felt like I was literally floating around the room with how light and airy my body felt. I was energized and ALIVE. As I went about my life after this session, the most impactful characteristic I noticed was a significant increase in deep knowing and intuition. There are many things about this reality and the greater truth of our grand existence that I was previously aware of, but after my session it began to shift from just intellectual awareness into a much deeper trust or knowing. It became instantly easier to deal with the day to day worries of life, understanding that there is a greater purpose and that everything is happening in perfect time. I went on to have 2 more Reconnective Healing sessions with Jeff and the Reconnection. The experience from above only got more integrated with each session and continues to influence my thoughts and actions more with each passing week. Though I did not come in seeking to heal any physical ailments, I was hoping to gain new clarity and understanding of my purpose and path- and I did just that. After the sessions I have ignited some of my passions in life and am sprinting forward with new energy towards my goals. I have shed numerous bad habits, thoughts and behavioral patterns, and I have begun to move towards new levels of understanding and acceptance of the events in my past and how they are shaping me into exactly who I’ve always wanted to be and opening the doors to the service I hope to bring to the world. I have no doubt that this will only continue to get stronger with each passing moment.”
-Devan Pope
Antioch TN
"Jeff is an outstanding teacher. Time flew by at my Reiki level 3 training, I learned a lot from instruction, the accounts of his experiences and the wonderful group of people that took the training with me. Great atmosphere, one of the best classes I ever took. Very grateful for Jeff's generous spirit, sharing his expertise in a fun, laid back and engaging way. I'll definitely sign up for other classes with him!"
- Helga Morgan
Nashville, TN
"Jeff Crawford is the most grounding and knowledgeable healer I have known thus far! I love his gentle yet fierce spirit!"
Gena Leone
Nashville, TN
"Hi Jeff, Thank you for a great reading, I loved it and it was very helpful for us both!! Thank you for your work."
- Ida Kristin
Nashville, TN
"I've had a session with Jeff. He is a deeply spiritual and gifted shaman. There were times I felt there was more than one person in the room... most likely his spirit guides. I left feeling grounded and connected."
Karen Stevens
"My re-connective healing yesterday confirmed my life’s spiritual path at this present time. My intuition has been guiding me but Jeff Crawford - Quantum Light Shamanic Healing gave me a better insight and I feel so much more open with a clearer sense of clarity after our session. Thank you so much for your healing ♥️
I’ve been finding ways to express myself through more poetry that I will eventually share, through teaching myself to draw, through more reading/writing and through music/dancing that I will want to learn to play in the near future. It feels so good to be free from past and express myself with what felt like was locked in cages for years."
Fauna Greye
Nashville, TN
"Jeff Crawford is an engaging teacher, communicates clearly, and makes the learning experience fun. I left feeling like I have a solid foundation with which to practice and teach Reiki. I highly recommend this course. " [Reiki Master Teacher Level 3 Class]
- Ariel McCasland
Madison, TN
"This [Tarot Weekend Intensive] class was amazing! Reading the Tarot sounds like it would be quite complicated but to my surprise it wasn't. By the end of class I was giving a reading and it was easy! Jeff taught me what I needed know about the cards and pointed out the little details in the cards that I would have discarded as unimportant and he's straight to the point. If you're thinking about learning the Tarot for your own knowledge or to read for others Jeff is definitely your guy! Thanks Jeff!"
Carma Halley
Nashville, TN
"I have taken classes with Jeff as well as taken healing sessions with him ( as a client). Always wonderful. "
Pamela DiMaria
Nashville, TN
"This course was just what I needed to get me out of my comfort zone and to take the next step in my spiritual journey. After this course, I feel confident that I have within me what it takes to help heal others. Something I have always been passionate about, but never knew how to make it happen. Thanks Jeff!" [Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
Julie Wohrer-Jabobs
Shorewood, IL
“I’ve had more ideas and opportunities to audition for various projects coming to me since the last session and I know it’s due to the Reconnective Healing energy work. From the very first session, I felt change…as if someone was sewing/stitching my brain together from the nape of my neck to the crown of my head; and during the second session, I felt vibrations in my core and lower body.
Thanks for the help thus far!”
- C. Robinson (singer/actress)
Nashville TN
“Incredible experience! I feel so much lighter and at peace after a tough few weeks. I feel much more “in the moment of life”. I have another healing session scheduled in 3 weeks. At one point his hands were 5-7 feet off my body and I could feel it very strongly. Amazing experience! I highly recommend!”
- Christopher Scott Waggoner
Nashville TN
“Finding Jeff was a spiritual experience for me on many levels. Jeff is a centered, balanced soul and one can’t help but feel completely comfortable and safe in his presence. During my first session, he explained the process and then got right to the business of healing! The session was amazing. I felt something moving in me and around me. From the very start of the session my entire body began vibrating at such a high pace I felt as if I were expanding. Most of what I can only assume was bad energy, was releasing from my feet. My legs felt like they were filled with concrete. I felt wind blowing, but there was no fan in the room. I kept sensing a sheet around me and I saw a tall thin blond woman with long fingernails… she was waving to me. A man was behind her, but he was looking the other way. During my second session, my body again went into a very high vibration mode seconds after Jeff began the process. Most of the energy centered in my legs. My legs and feet felt encased in tight casts. Finally, my feel felt as if the cast had broken off and a heat was coming out from the soles of my feet. A heat that was so intense it felt as if I were walking on coals. I also felt a strong pulling at my feet; it felt as if someone would pull my soul out from my feet. I also had the sensation that my upper and lower bodies were not connected, as though from the hips down were not part of the upper body. I know this must have come from a trauma in my childhood. I finally understood something that I can’t write here, but it was very powerful. The most amazing part of the session was the most powerful feeling that my entire body would just raise off of the table. I was fighting to stay down against the table, not really afraid of levitating…just afraid of falling. Then my arms both rose effortlessly outward on their own. I could not stop them. It just happened. It was a wonderful feeling, like I was letting go and opening my heart and my entire being to receive. I KNOW there was a big shift internally for me when my arms opened. It was so powerful and felt so wonderful, that I actually started laughing! I was just passing through Nashville, but wish I lived closer because I’d probably go see this man every day. I am telling everyone I know about his magic. Luckily for all of us, he does distance work!”
-Patrice Notaro
Washington DC
"I was fortunate to find Jeff at a time of great emotional pain & had several healing sessions with him that eradicated that pain. Years of trying to deal with it were swept away in three short weeks. I then became interested in the mechanics of the healing and began taking his classes. I have completed all of the classes Jeff offers, and am ready to start my own healing practice. I am forever grateful that I found him!"
- Lynn Miralia,
Nashville, TN
“I’m really fortunate that I met you. This has changed my life. I am greatful for you and everything you do!
I feel really positive about everything. Even the words that go through my mind are so full of respect. Respect for myself and the world. I would like to keep working with you on the distance work. Plus anything else I can learn from you. I would be more than happy to come out there. If you want to hear about the difference it’s [The Reconnection] made in my life… It’s like things have been flipped to the other side. Everything is different! From my diet to the way I think. The way I treat people during the work that I do. So much more effective. The colors of the trees… the grass is so much more vibrant. My asthma is a lot better. I used to have the crap dry on the inside of my nose. That’s gone! My spine and my low back doesn’t hurt anymore in the morning. My neck used to get stiff working [massaging] on people. That’s gone! I feel centered and I feel light! I feel that you have a special gift. Really do…. and I’m also getting visions of the future … not just for myself, but for other clients and friends as well. There’s so much more I can say about this shift. Also this stuff you worked with me on… It’s really awesome! It’s like it opened a new door! A better, happier, more giving life that I never thought existed. I am really impressed! Also, I’ve lost 20 pounds since The Reconnection. Put that in your record books! Weird, or maybe not so weird… Thank you”
- Brian Defalco
St. Charles IN
"If you stumble across Jeff Crawford, and you have the urge to work with him, the Universe is showing you a neon sign . I would recommend him as
both a practitioner and a teacher. His energy is divine and he will help you heal yourself and others. Thank you, Jeff, for everything!"
-Athina Kladis
Pennsauken, NJ
"Hi Jeff, I had a session with you a while back when I was living in Nashville, and I thought it was very revealing. I moved to L.A and from LinkedIn, I have been following your tarot updates in the last couple months. I must say that its been mind blowing how every week the readings have been so relevant and spot on to what I'm going through. So thank you for that! I hope you are well, Thanks!"
Iranzu Morras
Los Angeles, CA
"Jeff's classes are always fun and informative. I always walk away with a new perspective and fresh insight. I know that there is real power in healing but it was kind of amazing to see the science behind what I know to be true. Anything that Jeff teaches has magic all its own and it a wonderful investment! I would say that having Reiki I and II are probably a good prerequisite for [the Distance Healing class]. "
- Christy Crawford
Nashville, TN
"Such a great experience...he is very intuitive, calming and reassuring. Highly recommend his services....you won’t be disappointed ✌️😊"
- Mary Hester
Springfield, TN
"Yesterday I spent the day learning, connecting and always so blown away with all of the beautiful knowledge and advice Jeff gives us. He is so open, caring and generous. Thank you Jeff Crawford 🙏🏽" [Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Level 3]
- Michelle Lee Cook
Pembroke, KY
"I highly recommend taking Jeff’s Psychic Defense class. It is a natural progression after taking his other classes. My skills just keep growing. I am constantly amazed at how much I use what he teaches me in my daily life. It is as though we all have these skills and all we need is a class with Jeff to learn how to take advantage of them. I learned how to bless and clear a room/person and come away feeling energized and connected after helping someone. This class is a must!!!!!"
- Bonnie Mercante
Nasvhille, TN
"I was able to feel the energy in the room and as it flowed through my body. Tension in my shoulder dissipated as Jeff worked on my shoulders." [Reiki 1 & 2 Class]
- Tom Corn
Nashville, TN
"Jeff doesn’t pretend to be anything he is not...that being said, Jeff is such a gift to all those he comes in contact with. He is a wonderful teacher and genuinely wants to empower those that have sought him out. Jeff, thank you for helping me see I am everything I will ever need, and I am the weapon! I look forward to continuing my education with you!" [Usui Tibetan Reiki Levels 1 & 2]
Pembroke, KY
"This was not only an educational experience, but also felt like sacred time and space. Jeff is a skilled theacher and he cares about his students and the outcome of their training." [Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
- Karen Swingly
Nashville, TN
"I enjoyed the enlightening connections we shared in [Psychic Defense] class. I learned that psychic defense is a wonderful tool used to clear the body and spaces. It helped me build a strong foundation for my power within. This motivated me to be mindful and aware of how magical the universe can be. If you are looking to feel empowered and learn about how wonderful the universe can be take this class."
Andrea M. , LaVergne, TN
"Jeff is an amazing healer and teacher. 'Amazing' would actually be an understatement! His teachings are so easily understood and his personality is so full of character. I honor him as my teacher and would highly recommend Jeff to anyone seeking healing and/or interest in a deeper, knowledgeable teaching." [Reiki 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
- Fauna Greye
Nashville, TN
"Dear Mr. Crawford,
I just wanted to write to say thank you for your kindness, your talent, and your incredible healing power.
This shamanic healing session was nothing short of miraculous. I have experienced amazing shifts in my life in the past 2 days since, and am very grateful for these powerful changes.
Immediately following the session, I was filled with a joy and laughter unlike I can describe.
My familial relationships immediately experienced healing, and my dad with mercy forgave thousands of dollars of debt. I am teary eyed just writing this.
In addition, I helped my dad to clean the baseboards and floors of our house the next day. I am sure that this is symbolic for something pertaining to the root chakra and grounding. :)
The next day, I went to a kundalini blessing with my dear friend. I prayed for peace in myself, in my family and in our world. I was able to see a beautiful swirling purple light more powerfully in my meditation than I have in the past. In the past the color was indigo, and yesterday it was a pure vibrant purple, swirling and twirling in a beautiful circle.
After our yoga class, my friend and I had a really deep discussion and I was able to heal something on my heart for a very long time. As synchronicity would have it, fireworks literally were being lit in the street across from us at the yoga studio. Speaking with her was so powerful and helped me to heal and accept myself further.
The work you have done and the ability you have to positively make a difference in the lives of others is tremendous.
Thank you for sharing your gifts, and for helping me to heal my body, mind and spirit. __/|\__ I have referred my dad and Stephanie to you. I think my friend will visit, so hopefully you will continue to get a wonderful stream of business!
I now have a renewed sense of idealism, hope, and desire to serve others and to make this world a more beautiful place for all people. Thank you for helping to reconnect my spirit to its source. May you be blessed!
With gratitude,"
- Anonymous
“Woa, Jeff! The majority of change I’ve experienced so far has been psychological. My perceptions and reasons why I invest in the things I do are changing, and that has impacted my relationships with everyone. I feel more of my own rather than on defined/informed by those around me. Like, I’m coming into myself? So, it’s a lot of relational change for me at this point. I also feel a stronger connection to being a healer; like, I know for sure that’s my life’s purpose. I also as you mentioned previously, this is only the beginning of a long process! I find myself evaluating where I am compared to where I want to be and embracing where I am without obsessing over the end. I’m learning to appreciate the means. ”
Nashville TN
“Jeff! I actually feel like I have energy now! I went to workout yesterday and strength went up 30%. Less body aches and pains. What else mentally? Memory is better and vision is much more clear. Personality, I feel much happier inside and don’t feel lost. This morning I got a massage from the lady that usually works on me. She noticed that I don’t have as much inflammation and my body feels better. So, I know it’s not all in my head. What you do is amazing!! Thank you,”
- Brian Defalco
St. Charles IN
“My experience was amazing! Thank you, Jeff, for my 2nd healing session! I received A LOT of loving, positive energy and insight!!! I felt my 3rd eye open up more and saw myself with all the things my heart desires! …I am truly thankful for these healing sessions! Your healing has changed my life and given me more awareness, insight, and I’ve experienced lots of syncronicities! I have a clearer view of where I want to take my path and to hold this vision and feeling within me. My heart was full of love and I feel like I am a super-hero who is here to help awaken and teach others how they can have love for themselves first, so that they can give more love to the world. THANK YOU SO MUCH JEFF for using this healing energy as a way to help people like me! I am very blessed to have you in my life! With love ‘n’ Light,”
- Me'Shell Tidmore
Huntsville AL
"Very educational class. I felt drawn to this course and it did not disappoint. I would and will suggest to friends showing interest in Reiki, to take Jeff's course. I felt unsure and intimidated at the beginning, and I'm leaving feeling confident and sure that I can use what I have learned." [Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
- Maggie Lehman
Gordonsville, TN
"A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Thank you Jeff Crawford for touching base with me. Your [Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Level 3] class is full of knowledge and also light and fun!!"
Lauren Martin
Winchester, TN
"A year ago, I met Jeff at Cosmic Connections for his Energy work. It was such a healing experience for me. I then booked followup sessions and have not been disappointed at all.
I’ve done his Tarot class and Reiki 1 & 2 certification and this weekend I’ll be taking REIKI 3 for my Master. Jeff is a great teacher. I’m not great at school learning but the way he teaches I’m able to understand in the visual way I need and he is also patient and open to assist you in what you need to learn.
So as a Shaman and Teacher I highly recommend Jeff Crawford 💕😃⭐️👍🏻"
- Marisa Pollak
Nashville, TN
"This ws an excellent class that exceeded my expectations. Jeff has so much knowledge to perfection. I highly recommend him as a teacher and practitioner!" [Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
- Waldi Schmid
Brentwood, TN
"Good morning! I just want to thank you for helping get rid of certain feelings and helping me with my fear. I have been doing a bit better now. Btw since I’ve gone to see you I have not drank. Not that it hasn’t crossed my mind, but now it’s just a thought not an action. Thank you so much."
JoAnna A. , Nashville, TN
“I have been to many healers and always have a little bit of skepticism anytime I see someone new. Jeff came highly recommended and I can honestly say he is the real deal. Not only is he very gifted at what he does, but he is also a genuine and wonderful person. Jeff has helped me work though some heavy issues and opened up a lot of new doors for me as well. I consider him to be one of the biggest blessings in my life recently. Do yourself a favor and go see him. ”
- Maile Ellis RN, LAC
Nashville TN
“My sessions with Jeff have been a marvelous experience!! I have had energy work done before and it always helped to raise my vibration. But Jeff’s work with Reconnective Healing is far beyond that! I have been having shifts occur during and following sessions, both in my internal and external life. A profound and lasting sense of peace and relaxation!!!! A session with Jeff is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself!!”
- Vicki Ansemet
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
“Jeff has been my introduction to both learning Reiki and receiving Reconnective Healing. A big part of why I sought him out was his connection to Peru and his Shipibo family. I was very curious about someone here in Nashville having had the honor of learning from an indigenous shaman, and no less, adopted by them. It’s clear that this is part of the unique offering of Jeff’s healing and I like that. He holds a deep respect for the work and I feel that his strong intuitive sense is truly informed.”
- Neal Cappellino
Nashville TN
"Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the healing session. After the long chat yesterday, i do feel bit more clearer in my head and positive about the future.
Talk to you soon,"
- Anonymous
"Jeff was knowledgeable and easy to understand. He explained everything thoroughly and interacted with everyone in a way that made the class fee at ease. He is a true healer and I would definitely highly recommend his classes to anyone who is interested in Reiki." [Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
- Jennifer Harvard
Nashville, TN
"I continue to notice changes in how connected I am to my Self, which is a relief and a surprise. I didn't know what wholeness might feel like. I couldn't have imagined it most of my life, but I'm starting to experience what it feels like to be integrated. I've noticed some interesting sensations in my body (maybe a continued release of energy) and have been dreaming quite a bit and sometimes memorably. I do believe that I am feeling a bit more sensation returning to my damaged breast tissue as well. Slowly, but undoubtably.
Thanks for all you do,"
- A. L.
Nashville, TN
"My son and I have had Reconnective Healing sessions with Jeff that were life changing to say the least. Now we've taken it further, and used Jeff as a teacher for Reiki. My son and I are anxious to begin sharing our own gift of healing in our own practice."
- Vicky Wright
Gallatin, TN
"Jeff knows what he is doing. He is balancing your own unique energy so you can heal yourself. Gifted and wise. What a great healer".
- Amanda Ryder
Franklin, TN
"This course was more than I expected. Jeff was able to teach more than just the basics. He delved into the subtleties and nuances involved with Reiki that I feel I would have not received with another instructor. I feel well prepared to go out with confidence and begin my practice." [Reiki 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
- Sharon Stinson
Nashville, TN
"Hi Jeff! I just wanted you to know how much better I am. With the sessions we are having, I am so much more clear and strong to handle my life. I am so very grateful! I feel great! Thanks again!"
- Janet Wells
Nashville, TN
"The healing/clearing you did yesterday has had profoundly positive results. Feeling a calm and steadiness that had surely been eluding me these past few months."
- C.M.
Springfield. TN
“I really enjoyed your presentation Jeff. It did not occur to me until later, but when my friend got on your table, I was quite surprised that I could lift myself out of my chair and stand at her feet, unsupported (without my cane) for a few minutes after you had worked on me….some definite healing happened in those few minutes of openness. There was a lot of wisdom and power in that room who were observing and participating (both seen and unseen). I was humbled by the experience. Thank you so much for sharing your passion and wisdom with all of us.”
- Linda Woods
"I had a healing done by Jeff Crawford at the Galactic Expo this past Saturday. So far a Psoriasis spot on my neck has disappeared. I have been trying to get rid of it for months. My allergies are much better as well as my Asthma.
Interesting fact: For several hours after my stomach hurt and I broke out in hives but I feel this was my body expelling toxins. Kind of like what can happen if you get a lymphatic massage!"
- Trisha Clarke
LaVergne, TN
"I came across Jeff at the Holistic expo. Indecisive on whether to have a reading or healing, I finally opted for both - So happy I did! The healing session was fantastic and the reading provided me much needed clarity and direction. Do I reccomend Jeff? Absolutely!"
"Reiki is life changing. Jeff took me to the next level. It was an unbelievably healing journey. 💗"
- Mark Fuhrer
Nashville, TN
"I had an amazing experience. Jeff is not only knowledgeable, he left me feeling prepared and confident. I look forward to the Reiki Master Teacher Class!" [Reiki 1 & 2 Weekend Class]
- Pamela Restivo
Nashville, TN
"Jeff is a great teacher. He is very knowledgeable on the subject of Reiki and a prolific healer. He is fun to have as a teacher. Definitely recommend Jeff Crawford and his Reiki 1 & 2 Weekend Class".
- Cat Gatzimos
Nashville, TN
“I have so much I could say in this testimonial, it’s hard to condense! On a day that I had some free time, I decided to go to see Jeff and is free presentation at Cosmic Connections and from that day my life has been changed in beautiful ways. I was fascinated with the work he was doing and I decided to go to his office and have a full Reconnective Healing session. The atmosphere in his office is very soothing and comforting, and it takes no time at all to feel comfortable once he begins his session. He is very willing to talk with you and answer any questions you may have before and after. The process feels amazing and I felt so refreshed and clear-minded upon leaving. In the weeks and months following my session, I felt shifts occurring mentally and emotionally and life began to seem more meaningful. My desires and goals became more pronounced and I feel more motivation in life. I decided to have The Reconnection done recently and since that experience, the effects have been abundant. I too have felt complete and utter peace about life. I still encounter day to day problems, but the way that I approach and handle them is different and much more positive. I feel an overwhelming sense of optimism and just that the peace and the patience I have received is the greatest healing gift of all so far from my sessions, and I cannot wait to see how more things unfold as time goes on. I am a Reiki practitioner myself and since having these sessions, I have definitely noticed a change in energy flow and the strength behind it. People have commented that overall my ‘energy feels lighter’ and they can see positive changes in my personality. Even my 7 year old has said I’m more fun lately and she likes to see me laughing more with her! I am truly blessed to have gained a wonderful friend in Jeff and he has helped me so very much. He is an amazing person and I’m so happy I went to his presentation that day. If you are even slightly interested in getting a session, stop thinking about it and make an appointment. It will be something that will enhance your life experience on all levels. Thank you , Jeff, for all you do!”
-Tina Santos
Lascassas TN
“I went to the Cosmic Connection bookstore, by chance, with a friend. While there, I met Jeff at his Reconnective Healing Experiential Introduction. He explained his background and then went into some details of the energy he was working with and how it reconnects you to your original healthy state. I was intrigued and volunteered to experience Reconnective Healing for what I was told was 5 minutes, however it felt more like 15 minutes. That day I had a sharp pain in my right leg and foot. Also, I had been dealing with a flair up of IC, which is a bladder condition that is very painful and requires medication and diet restrictions until it “unflames”. I left the session and immediately my shooting pain subsided and I felt extremely grounded. That was very nice, but the best part is since my “5 minutes” of Reconnective Healing, I have not had to take any medication for my IC bladder condition!!! This is, in my mind, a miracle. I never expected anything like that. On a cosmetic note, I have scars on my stomach from a surgery in December (4 months ago) and they have decreased in size by 50%. My husband, who is an engineer, even verified that as well! I am very happy and plan on going for a full session! I highly recommend you trying this out…. There is something to it! ”
- Leslie Martin
Franklin TN
“I went to Jeff’s presentation this past Sunday. I was able to ask all the questions I wanted to and experience first-hand what Jeff was talking about. He made a scary, unknown very approachable and fascinating! If you are remotely intrigued, you need to attend one of his sessions. You have to experience it to understand it. It is amazing!”
- Susie Collier
Nashville TN
“Jeff Crawford has changed my life. Five years ago I miraculously survived a cerebral hemorrhage, but was left with disabling left side paralysis. A yoga friend recommended Jeff. I wasted no time in going for a session. During the first session I felt unseen hands moving my body. I was also aware of a lot of light and was given insight into some old patterns of belief that needed to be changed. After the second session, there was measurable, verifiable physical change in my range of motion and gait. My physical therapists were amazed. After session three, I was able to rise off the floor and stand unassisted for 13 minutes in my yoga class! I have more energy and less pain. I would recommend Jeff to anyone. It’s a truly transformative type of healing, like nothing I have ever experienced.”
- Pam L.
Nashville TN
“I first met Jeff at his presentation and demonstration on The Reconnection at Cosmic Connection. His communication style is clear, open, and easy to understand. Even before the demonstration ended, I knew I wanted to schedule appointments with him.
Jeff facilitated both Reconnective Healing sessions and The Reconnection for me. I’d previously received and facilitated other types of energy work so I knew immediately that this was different. The individual sessions were powerful, yet the cumulative effect has blown me away. I feel energized, yet calm. My perception has been heightened. I feel connected, grounded, activated.
I have moments of my awareness dropping down inside and locating a vastness beyond anything I have ever experienced. For me, this process has picked me up from the game board and put me more securely in the director’s chair. Although I know that the process continues to evolve within me, I am finding it easier to let things go, to feel a stronger sense of direction, to believe and allow life to flow knowing that all the pieces will fit perfectly. Jeff’s gifts come together and meld into a stunning kaleidoscope of subtle, yet powerful energy. He brings much to the table. If you are feeling stuck, if you want to elevate your consciousness, if you want to vibrate at a higher level, if you need someone to press the Reset button, I most confidently recommend Jeff Crawford.”
- Carol Quinn
Nashville TN
"Thank you for my experience yesterday! It was beautiful and potent with connection of light and love. Am grateful too for the work you do and blessings to you always."
- Ricki Baer
Nashville, TN
“I first met Jeff at a Metaphysical fair. My mother bought me a 15 minute session with Jeff. During my Reconnective Healing session I could see vivid colors and a feeling of buoyancy as if I were floating on the surface of water. My palms felt as if I were passing a tiny ball back and forth. I couldn’t believe my experience in such a short frame of linear time. I felt so relaxed & recharged after the session; it was like I had taken the best and much needed nap of a lifetime. After my initial session, I received more Reconnective Healing sessions from Jeff, and the I experienced The Reconnection. The experiences I had after my healings were so powerful. The healings provided me with the abilities to purge a lot of negative feelings I had about past situations and experiences. I can feel the energy of others. My intuition is stronger and sharper. My healing sessions with Jeff have catapulted me into a new way of living from the way I interact with other people, to healing some past negative experiences, to seeing things in a very different and positive light. I would have never been able to get to where I am now if I had not received the healing from Jeff. In addition, I have taken Jeff’s Tarot 101 class and Usui Reiki Level 1 & 2 courses. Jeff is a natural teacher; he demonstrates true knowledge of healing modalities to his students through his lecture, materials, demonstrations as well as guiding his students as they implement healing sessions in class. I will absolutely be taking more of Jeff’s classes in the future. Jeff’s abilities to heal and teach his clients/students are extraordinary. I would and do recommend anyone to schedule a healing with Jeff, you will be astounded with the results.“
- Shannon Hull
Clarksville TN
“Jeff was the key that opened the door to my journey! My Reconnective Healing session with him was so relaxing, eye-opening, and uplifting. My tarot reading really validated some answers I was searching for. Since my visit with Jeff, so many great things have happened to me and I’m so much more aware of my being and purpose. A great mentor and friend! Thank you, Jeff! “
- E. Jackson
Charleston NC
“Just went and had a healing session with Jeff Crawford. All the colors seem brighter and I feel so relaxed and happy! I am pain free! Thanks, Jeff!”
- Lisa Chapman
Nashville TN
“I am so thankful I had 2 sessions with Jeff. I feel so much better. The sessions are empowering and in so many ways this has opened my eyes to greater possibilities. I also have a knowing that I AM healed, I AM well, and I AM ready to create and to bring to fruition a more phenomenal life. Thank you for helping me get through the phase of uncertainty, Jeff.”
-Maria Barajas
“I left [my Reconnective Healing session] yesterday at almost dark. My daughter had called and I returned her call as I was returning home. It is getting progressively darker. For several years now, I have had problems with the lights from oncoming traffic. Especially the brighter headlights that lots of cars have now. Having them coming toward me was extremely physically painful, as if I was being stabbed. I have a pair of glasses that I wear during night driving to cut down on this problem and to enable me to see more clearly as the oncoming light left me partially blinded. They helped but didn’t eliminate the problem entirely. Because I was intent on calling my daughter, I didn’t put on my “driving” glasses. Then about halfway home, I “realized” that I was having no problem seeing. Lights were not bothering me. My sight was in no way compromised. Details of the street, cars, signs, etc. in areas lighted by street lights and no street lights were amazingly sharp. There was no discomfort, pain or reaction to oncoming light even when I deliberately look at some of the brighter headlights directly. Also beyond that I feel incredibly connected and grounded.
- Lucy Randles
Kingston Springs, TN
"Jeff, Thoroughly enjoyed my session with you at Cosmic Connections last Sat. Hope to do it again. Wanted to share how calm my day was afterward. Going to the event put me 4 hours behind my usual schedule going home to see my husband for the weekend and, where as, I might normally get stressed by being "behind", the whole day (including a complete stop traffic jam on the freeway) I was calm, centered, patient. It was a lovely experience. Thank you."
- Kate Culver
"If you are suffering mentally or physically, please go see Jeff. You won't regret it."
- Matt Tincher
Hendersonville TN
"Jeff is such a positive warm person and he makes you very comfortable thoroughly explaining everything. I felt the healing physically and mentally."
- Anonymous
Nashville TN
"I was very lucky to find Jeff. I had a Reconnective Healing Session with him and was so happy with the results that I referred several friends to him. Everyone loves him as much as I do! I was so impressed with his abilities that I took his Reiki certification levels 1 & 2 course. Not only is he a great teacher and healer - he is a wonderful human being. Do yourself a favor and book a session with him today, then you can see for yourself. You will not be disappointed."
- Mandy Haynes
Nashville TN
"Jeff, Just wanted to drop you a quick line to follow up after our appointment. I am able to ground myself much better and even though the static is still there it is much easier for me to tell what is mine and what isn't. The flood of emotion isn't jamming my frequency as often which makes it much more peaceful for me. My Wonder Woman bracelets ate working again Thank you!! I really enjoyed meeting you!"
Lori McElhaney, Nashville, TN
"Hey Jeff, I just wanted you to know how fabulous I feel. The difference is incredible and it was like a switch was turned on….I feel hopeful, happy and rested. Thank you."
-Anonymous, Franklin TN
"t’s been a couple weeks since my last post. I’ve been woking on the best way to describe my weekend learning Reiki 1 & 2 and becoming attuned to the Reiki energy.
First, something major that I learned is that we all actually possess the power to use Reiki in our lives – it’s our birthright. Amazingly enough, the first day of the two day class, we practiced on each other, with a some guidance, and the results were staggering. Some of us felt – or even also saw – the life force energy moving and working. We were putting the intention for the energy into our actions. Having studied (and possibly even studied too much) on the subject for a few months leading up to the class, I had no idea that simply putting intentions into the energy would make a difference in the outcome. Being confident in your ability makes all the difference. I was astounded to hear everyone’s experiences after each exercise.
Prior to this class, I hadn’t experienced a Reiki session for myself. I had only heard about it briefly (which sparked my immediate interest) and then proceeded to study profusely. So, truthfully, this was my first true experience with hands-on energy work.
Another key point that I’d like to mention that I learned is that Reiki practitioners are not magical healers with super powers created by us for us. It is a gift that we are able to channel the energies of the universe to help facilitate and promote healing within other’s bodies – both emotional and physical. Be careful not to get too ‘big headed’. Stay humble.
My first experience providing Reiki for a fellow classmate was, quite honestly, not nearly as profound (physically) for me as it was for my classmate. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and also wasn’t completely confident on my hand/chakra positions – so I began working with a completely open mind and guidance from another fellow classmate.
As I bagan my placement around her crown and third eye chakra, I began to go into almost a meditative state. I started to become more comfortable with my touch when I noticed my ‘client’ was relaxed. I noticed subtle, and sometimes not quite so subtle, changes in her subconscious body language. Once relaxed, I still didn’t feel the traditional sensation of my hands pushing off comforting warm waves to the areas of the body they were placed. But, I continued on with the understanding that regardless, the energy was working. No matter if I personally felt it or not.I believe the life force energy is an intelligence of it’s own and goes where it is needed.
I continued down the body to the rest of the remaining chakras and focused my mind on sending her subconscious positive affirmations. I wasn’t “feeling” the energy moving at first per say, but I knew from watching over her that something was happening. So, I continued on with my hand positions and affirmations.
Once the session was over, we shared with each other and then the whole class what we had experienced. What she said certainly reaffirmed what I’d hoped to have been happening for her.
In her experience through our session – she explained that she’d had visions of colors behind her eyes that were vibrant and profound. She also explained that she had a vision of books on a book shelf that then flew off to flip pages and land on a certain number. We weren’t sure what that could have meant, but it was incredibly fascinating! She had expressed that while my hands had moved onto other areas of the body, she could still distinctly feel my warm hands elsewhere as well as if there were more than one person working on her. My favorite part of her recollection was when she explained how full of love and comfortable she felt. That was a truly wonderful feeling!
Though my first experience providing a session did not provide me with any physical sensations – I had one feeling that truly stuck out to me that I chose to share with her privately and not with the class.
While deep into our session, I could clear as day feel a voice telling me to ask her what is holding her back in her life. I couldn’t shake it, I felt the absolute need to ask her. Repeatedly through the entire session, this voice would not stop demanding that I ask her. When the session was over, I decided to give in but not in front of the class with fear of asking a question that didn’t make sense to her or worse, embarrass her. I pulled her aside, and asked the question and if that was something that made sense to her. I was so surprised to hear that was something that did resonate with her and was even something pertinent from that very day! I certainly learned from that moment that it is completely acceptable for me to listen to my intuition.
If you can imagine, this was all in day one of my two day class. It was truly a magical experience that I’ll never forget.
The teacher for the class is a Shaman in the Nashville area named Jeff Crawford. I’ll post his website at the bottom of this entry. He did a phenomenal job of organizing the class and providing us the knowledge – day one – to believe in ourselves and our natural capabilities. Day two (attunement day!) was equally as rememberable, I’ll be sure to write about that in the next coming day or two."
-Rachel Duty, Smyrna TN
“I went to Jeff’s demonstration this past Sunday. I was able to ask all the questions I wanted to and experience first-hand what Jeff was talking about. He made a scary, unknown very approachable and fascinating! If you are remotely intrigued, you need to attend one of his sessions. You have to experience it to understand it. It is amazing!”
-Susie Collier. Nashville TN
"Morning Jeff, I just wanted to tell you that I'm so excited things keep getting better each day for me! And also, I healed my Dad's legs and feet, he's walking again pain free and without his walker! You came into my life for this reason and I'm so thankful and great ful for you. When I get back I'm going to get busy with my certifications by working with you."
- Carma H, Nashville, TN
“Over the past few years, I’ve experienced several different modalities of energy healing. All were helpful, but Reconnective healing made the biggest impression because I could physically feel the energy moving through my body. Looking for a certified Reconnection practitioner in Nashville, I found Jeff Crawford. I’m a skeptical person, but Jeff immediately put me at ease, and I found he was someone I could trust. He’s not only a talented and experienced healer, but a very insightful person with a kind and generous personality. I recommend his work wholeheartedly!”
-Sam Torode, Nashville, TN
"I wanted to give you a quick follow up with the [Frankincense] oil I bought from you last week. I started it Monday afternoon after I left your office and on Friday I noticed I had zero pain in my ankle. So crazy! I have also noticed the little bumps of dry skin I get on the backs of my arms is gone too. Thanks so much for the recommendation.
As far as my energy reading I have had a pretty clean week of emotions, I definitely had more good energy going into the family Easter I was dreading."
Amy G., Nashville, TN
“I visited Jeff Crawford after researching the benefits of Reconnective Healing. I found Jeff on the internet and visited him with absolutely no expectations or pre-conceived notions as to what I should expect. Jeff spent some time discussing the factors around this form of therapy and the benefits one would experience, as well as his background developing his skills in the practice. I quickly became very comfortable and my experience was exceptionally positive and benefited my cause more than I could have hoped for. I came to him in a state of despair with the difficult decisions I am facing and was seeking clarity and perspective. I came out of this healing session armed with a sense of peace and well being to move forward onto a new path and direction. I would strongly recommend Reconnective Healing for anyone struggling with being stuck and would definitely recommend exploring this healing experience with the assistance of Jeff Crawford – he truly has a peaceful and gentle spirit and comes armed with much knowledge and overall positive energy.”
-Cynthia Morris, Portland OR
“Jeff receives my, “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval,” when it comes to Healing, Being Intuitive and reading the Tarot. Jeff is a gift to the Nashville Psychic Healing community. His gifts come naturally and he has nurtured his ability to assist others.”
-Alexandra, Murfreesboro TN
“I have worked with Jeff in a few different ways; as teacher, practitioner, and healer. His background in the church (similar to my own) coupled with his love and mastery of the Tarot put me immediately at ease. He is a strong teacher and isn’t afraid to call me on my sh*t. Working with Jeff doesn’t feel like I’m being powered over by him, rather, he is working with the wisdom and healing capacity inherit within myself. “
-Kimberly Clo, Nashville, TN
“Mr. Jeff, I really enjoyed the class… The class was amazing and I now know why I never became a doctor when I joined the military. God had something else for me. And I thank Him for that because I know the path He wanted me to follow. Thank God for sending you my way. You know my battles and everyday I’m feeling better and better. Gracias, Jeff. Tu amingo,” Juan H.
“Thank you so much for the wonderful attunement, healing, and certification for Reiki! I have facilitated 3 healings so far! I learned how to open my heart and to stay intuitive. Jeff, you are a kind, patient, and compassionate teacher, which is what we all need in our lives. Keep up the Great Work! I cannot wait for the next class!”
- Payton Pavkov
Nashville, TN
“This was a great class! Very hands on and practical. I really enjoyed the interaction and discussions on how the energy and quantum mechanics work in terms I can understand!”
-L. Martin
“Jeff is an awesome teacher who makes you feel very comfortable. He is very knowledgeable and I feel confident leaving this course… Obviously I believe and have faith in energy work, but I feel like I’m digesting a whole new level of it after [the Distance Class] today. Super interesting.”
-T. Santos
“I think this class helped me to believe in and to understand what happens in healing & distance healing” P. Money
“Jeff is an extraordinary teacher (and person in general) and I highly recommend him as an instructor in any area of expertise that he is proficient in. He knows how to relate to all levels of individuals and is truly a caring individual.”
- S. Bivens
“I love your teaching methods – organized & clear with quality information. The atmosphere is easy & comfortable. Location is easy to find and good parking. Thank you for enriching my life!”
- B. Perry
“Jeff helped us know we can do distance healings because we actually did several in class! I was blown away by what was possible to know about people from a distance.”
- K. Eager
“Thanks Jeff for choosing me to receive distance healing from your distance healing class yesterday. I could feel all your students working with my Light-body as they scanned and made corrections. My body is available any time you need a test subject for class. Peace, Love, and Light to all your students and especially to you…”
-Alexandra Alexander (Metaphysician, Teacher, and Author of of several published books, including Spiritual Technology of Distance Healing.)
“Jeff is a good teacher and if you need to take a real experience in learning Usui Tibetan Reiki, Jeff is the perfect person to teach you!”
-M. Swartz
“Jeff’s class was amazing! I went in and had never even had tarot cards before, but after the class we shared with him, I understand so many different aspects and have more understandings of the cards as well as the meanings. This class was amazing! Thank you!”
-Amanda Shores
“So glad to see you already have another one of these planned! Went to the class last night and WOW, what an eye opener! I was so lost and confused about tarot when I went in but it felt like I learned a crazy amount of info in just a couple hours by the time I left! Everything was so easy and clear and the way you structured the class made it so simple! I think everyone had light bulbs popping off all night, lol. Plus it was a ton of fun which was just the cherry on top. To anyone who is considering this class, GO! You’ll be so glad you did. Even if you just do it for yourself, it’s worth every minute and every penny and then some!”
-LayNala Bolen
“Interesting and inspiring. Jeff breaks down the tarot cards to a basic understanding. Had an amazing time and learned a lot with a great group of people.”
-Michael Williams
"Jeff is an exceptional Healer and Teacher. I highly recommend going through any healing sessions, classes he offers, and readings. I am an energy healer and he has truly enhanced my abilities!"
-Ara Simons, Murfreesboro TN