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Distance Healing

"There is no distance or span of time which is not instantly overcome when I step into my own innate healing power. Pure love and light, activated by my awareness and by my consciously being present, guided by my clearest intention, will heal my brother, and my friends on the other side of this planet. We all have this ability. It is how we are made. It really is that simple. Approximately 25% of my client healing sessions are for people who live in other states and countries. Their healing experiences and results are every bit as real and powerful as clients who see me in person!"- Jeff


distance healing

Join Jeff for a class on Distance Healing. In this class we will:

• Discuss personal experiences of Distance Healings

• Review scientific concepts and studies that provide logical & rational

explanations for how and why Distance Healing work.

• Learn how to conduct a Distance Healing.• Conduct Distance Healings on your personal friends and loved ones.

Book Now

By the end of our time together, you will have:

• A better understanding of Distance Healing

• The actual hands-on experience of conducting Distance Healings

• Real live feedback from people you know about how they experienced your Distance Healing.

• The experience and confidence to conduct Distance Healings on your own.

Whether you want to offer Distance Healing professionally or just for those you love, this class is for you!

People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

- Albert Einstein


Add Distance Healing

to Your Toolbox!

COST: $350

RSVP & $175 deposit is required to secure your spot!


Distance Healing is one of the most powerful healing modalities you can add to your healing toolbox. If you are currently serving clients in a healing practice or looking to open your own, this class will unlock healing in a new and unique way, allowing you to meet your client's needs even when they cannot see you in person in your office. Empower your healing and bring this amazing gift to your clients! 

Scroll down to the bottom or visit the Testimonials page to see what Jeff's students have to say.


"I've been trying other healing modalities for some time and noticed it seemed difficult to find a teacher that offered a class in distance healing. Initially, I got a Quantum Healing session from Jeff and was amazed by how powerful his modality and methods were and knew this was the right person to learn from. The Distance Healing Class was very enjoyable and very informative, in how it was presented. Firstly, I'm a very analytical guy and want to get the history and reasoning behind everything. Jeff not only presented the easy to follow ways to accomplish a healing session, but also the rationale and reasoning behind each part of a healing. During the class we practiced healing sessions and after class I immediately tried it on a few people. I'm amazed by how effective this class is and how I've been able to shock people by how I've suddenly started healing them! HAHA!"

- Alexander Johnson

"Moral of the story: even when you know something, there is more to learn.... and Jeff's classes are so worth the time and money to invest in yourself!  I already had taken Reiki 1&2 from another teacher when I first met Jeff. I was looking to complete Reiki 3 and was referred to Jeff by a good friend. Reiki 3 was phenomenal! I realized at that class that there was a lot missing in what I had learned from my prior teacher.

So I have been 'catching up' with Jeff. The order has been backwards but so very helpful! After Reiki 3, I took Jeff's class for Reiki 1 and 2. I felt such confidence after this Reiki training!

Then, I decided to take Jeff's class on distance healing. I really wasn't expecting a lot more with distance healing but I was wrong! I really feel very well rounded now with energy healing.

Even though I am an intuitive reader, I plan on taking Jeff's other classes too.

Thank you Jeff for sharing your gifts and knowledge!"

-Debbie Lynn Sherrell,  Columbia, TN

"Such a long day and packed full of intense [Distance Healing] training & learning! The science is incredible.  I can't wait to learn more so I can help a lot of people find the healing they're looking for."

-Geoffrey Louis Koch, Nashville, TN

"Jeff’s Distance Healing class was enlightening to even someone like me who has been in the healing arts since 2003. I’m a natural empath and intuitive reader, but I know I am able to learn more from the way other’s have been taught or unique ways they practice certain healing arts. Jeff has a distinct way of teaching unlike many other teachers and brings with his teaching many years of practice, know-how and experience. Distance Healing is a healing modality that needs to be in everyone’s toolbox, especially during this unprecedented time in history. To be able to send out healing that defies time, space, and physical boundaries to help heal our world and humankind is such a wonderful thing to experience. "

- Daphne McIntosh, RN, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, and Reiki master

"I have been working as a RTT hypnotherapist the last 2 years and have loved it so much. And after having a session with Jeff a few months ago I instantly knew I wanted to learn from him to add to my tool bag!!  

I took the distance healing class and was so excited at how simple yet profound the work is! He arranged for me up to practice on a couple of his clients at the end of class and I was so excited at the results they got, after having just learned the material THAT DAY!! Jeff is warm and kind and passionate about healing others and a wealth of knowledge!  I highly recommend taking any of his classes, I know I will be taking more!!! "

- Amanda Gehrke, Nashville, TN

"Excellent teacher.  I came away with [Distance Healing] techniques and examples of using other knowledge (Reiki 1 & 2 and Tarot) in conjunctions with Distance Healing."

- Bonnie Mercante,  Nashville, TN

“This was a great class!  Very hands on and practical.  I really enjoyed the interaction and discussions on how the energy and quantum mechanics work in terms I can understand!”

-L. Martin

“Jeff is an awesome teacher who makes you feel very comfortable.  He is very knowledgeable and I feel confident leaving this course…  Obviously I believe and have faith in energy work, but I feel like I’m digesting a whole new level of it after [the Distance Class] today.  Super interesting.”

-T. Roscoe

"I loved the laid-back atmosphere. Great balance of knowledge and practice in the [ Distance Healing] class."

- Jocelyn Greenman

"Jeff did an excellent job of teaching the Distance Healing class and providing us with references for some of his material.  I can't wait to read the new book about Distance Healing that he gave us!  After doing a couple of distance healings, I felt more confidence and look forward to doing more sessions."

- Janet

"Hi Jeff,  I really enjoyed my experience in the Intro to Energy Healing class. I feel like a light was turned on and am looking to working with you in several areas in the near future. I am really looking forward to learning about distance healing and learning tarot with you. I would definitely recommend you and your services to my friends. Thanks again."

- Lara T, Nashville, TN

"Jeff just keeps amazing me every time I take one of his classes.  You not only learn a lot, but he makes it fun!! I think I am becoming addicted to taking his classes.  Everyone should take a class from Him! You won't regret it!!" [Distance Healing]

- Donna Stephan-Tate

"Jeff's classes are always fun and informative.  I always walk away with a new perspective and fresh insight.  I know that there is real power in healing but it was kind of amazing to see the science behind what I know to be true.  Anything that Jeff teaches has magic all its own and it a wonderful investment!  I would say that having Reiki I and II are probably a good prerequisite for [the Distance Healing class]. "

- Christy Crawford

Nashville, TN

"Since I stopped working in March I've been polishing the skills that I've dabbled in for years. I even intended to get back into drawing/painting but that has gotten off to a slower start. Been reading Tarot for 15 yrs but just recently completed more formal training. Started in Reiki about 8 years ago and obtained Master level 3 yrs ago. Now I'm working/learning from one of Nashville's best - Jeff Crawford (check out his website) and becoming proficient in long distance healing, perfect for our Covidtimes!"

- Katherine Fulk

Pegram, TN

"Jeff, Kudos to you for imparting life-changing knowledge through your gift of energy teaching. Your Reiki and Distance Healing instruction has given me new perspective and the most valuable tools to access and maintain zero point.
Thank you again, dear Shaman,"

- Deborah Hopper,  Nashville, TN

“I think this class helped me to believe in and to understand what happens in healing & distance healing”

- P. Money

“Jeff helped us know we can do distance healings because we actually did several in class!  I was blown away by what was possible to know about people from a distance.” 

-K. Eager


Services and Classes offered by Jeff Crawford including Quantum Light Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®, Distance Healing and Animal Healing are Alternative Practices, are not regulated as a medical practice, nor are licensed by the state. Energetic Healing is not therapeutic or diagnostic by design or intent. Jeff Crawford is not a licensed physician and makes no claims of medical efficacy, nor does he guarantee any specific outcomes. He does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All medical questions are to be referred to your personal physician. You may be fortunate enough to have your expectations fulfilled through your sessions and you may be even luckier to have an experience which you could not possibly have anticipated. Do not suspend your prescribed medical treatments without consulting your physician.

No psychic or tarot reading given by Jeff Crawford is intended to nor should it take the place of professional services including, but not limited to medical, legal, financial, business and/or psychological. Nor can Jeff assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damage, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions/actions subsequent to or based on tarot readings or teachings. Tarot readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute.

Quantum Light Healing®


Jeff Crawford

Nashville's Shaman®

2233 Smith Springs Road

Nashville, TN  37217



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Hours:  M-F 9am to 7pm/Sat 9am to 2pm/Sun 12pm to 4:30pm

Copyright Quantum Light Healing® 2015

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