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"You will come out of this class with a new understanding of the world around you & walk away 

with tools to help you take the fear

out of your life." 


Carol, Nashville TN

Are you ready for the next stage of your journey? If so, you are invited to join Jeff for Reiki (Levels I, II and II), Distance Healing, Tarot, and Psychic Self-Defense. Jeff offers informative talks in his office as well as at Cosmic Connections about his journey, his experiences among the Shipibo people he now calls family and his classes and healing sessions. Jeff is approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) to provide CEU's from Reiki I, II and III. Scroll down for testimonials and see what his students have to say, then sign-up today! Check the Calendar page for upcoming Classes or visit the FB page for the updated schedule.

Session Cancellation:

When you schedule a session with Jeff, that time is reserved for you and you alone. A fair policy has been adopted of full payment (full session fee) for appointments not cancelled or re-scheduled at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time. You are responsible for the full fee for any no-show/no-call appointments.  

Class Cancellation:
When you book a class with Jeff, that seat is reserved for you. You may cancel up to 1 week in advance for a full refund. 1 week to 72 hours in advance of the class, you may receive credit towards another class. Any cancellations less than 72 hours forfeits any deposits or payments."

Bundled Services:
Bundled Services are  non-refundable after the first session is scheduled.  Bundled Services are are non-transferable.

Scroll down to the bottom or visit the Testimonials page to see what Jeff's students have to say.

Reiki Level 1&2 Weekend INTENSIVE CLASS

Join Jeff for a 2-day certification course for anyone wishing to be attuned to Reiki levels 1 & 2. Participants must attend both days in order to receive attunements and certificates. 

Usui Tibetan Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Certification Class and Attunements 

[12 LMT CEU’s approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)]


Saturday 9AM - 7PM & Sunday, 9AM - 7PM

DAY 1 Students will learn:


• The history of Reiki

• What Reiki is

• What makes Reiki different from other healing modalities

• The 3 degrees of Reiki and the significance of each

• The attunements and the significance of each

• How to use energy in everyday life

• How to Ground

• The importance of thoughts and intention and how to use them

• Legal and Ethical information for Reiki practitioners

• Reiki hand positions and their functions

• How to discover and use your own natural power


DAY 2 Students will learn:


• Chakras – Vibrational Colors and Meanings

• Density of the Aura

• Aura Color Interpretations

• The first three Reiki symbols and their meanings

• How to conduct a Reiki session

• Practical guidance on starting a Reiki healing practice

Once courses are completed you will receive Reiki Level 1 & 2 Attunements, information, practice and a certification to open their own Reiki practices!

Cost: $600

RSVP & $300 deposit is required to secure your spot!

Scroll down to the bottom or visit the Testimonials page to see what Jeff's students have to say.

Reiki Master Level 3 Class

Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Level 3 Certification Class and Attunement – 9 LMT CEU’s Approved by NCBTMB


During the class we will learn:

• Master Reiki Symbols and their significance

• Function of each chakra

• How to teach Reiki

• How to pass attunements for all 3 degrees.

• How to start your Reiki practice

• Ethical and legal considerations and resources for a Reiki practitioner

You will receive the Reiki Master Teacher Level 3 Attunement.

Then we will spend time conducting actual Reiki attunements!


Upon completion, class participants will have received the necessary attunement, information, practice and certification to offer Reiki classes and attunements in their own healing practice! 


Class Length: 1 day

Cost: $450

RSVP & $225 deposit is required to secure your spot!

PREREQUISITES:  Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Class & Attunements

Weekend Intensive Workshop

Are you new to tarot reading? Are you seeking a tool to assist you in developing your intuition? Just curious? Want to see if

you may be able to use your intuition to assist others while supplementing your income?

Saturday & Sunday, 9AM - 6PM

In this 2-day intensive class, we will examine:
• The scientific explanations and studies for how tarot readings work
• The history of the Tarot
• How to connect with the cards, your guides, and your intuition
• Major themes in the Tarot (Suits & Elements)
• The Court Cards (Who are these people?!)
• The Major Arcana
• The Minor Arcana (Pip cards)
• Numerology in the Tarot
• Yes & No cards
• How to do basic card readings (spreads)

Learn to Read the

You will leave this class with a solid basic understanding of the tarot, as well as the knowledge and experience of having actually conducted tarot readings! A reference manual is included int he cost of the class. Please bring your own deck of Rider-Waite Tarot Cards.

This is a 2-Day Class.

Class size is limited, so reserve your seat soon!

Check the Calendar page for upcoming Classes!***

Cost:  $400

RSVP and Depost of $200 required to secure your seat.

Scroll down to the bottom or visit the Testimonials page to see what Jeff's students have to say.

Learn to be
a distance healer

There is no distance or span of time which is not instantly overcome when I step into my own innate healing power. Pure love and light, activated by my awareness and by my consciously being present, guided by my clearest intention, will heal my brother, and my friends on the other side of this planet.


We all have this ability. It is how we are made. It really is that simple.


Approximately 25% of my client healing sessions are for people who live in other states and countries. Their healing experiences and results are every bit as real and powerful as clients who see me in person!


Join me for a class on Distance Healing. In this class we will:

• Discuss personal experiences of Distance Healings

• Review scientific concepts and studies that provide logical & rational

explanations for how and why Distance Healing work.

• Learn how to conduct a Distance Healing.• Conduct Distance Healings on your personal friends and loved ones.

By the end of our time together, you will have:

• A better understanding of Distance Healing

• The actual hands-on experience of conducting Distance Healings

• Real live feedback from people you know about how they experienced your Distance Healing.

• The experience and confidence to conduct Distance Healings on your own.

Whether you want to offer Distance Healing professionally or just for those you love, this class is for you!


Cost: $350

RSVP & $175 deposit is required to secure your spot!

Check the Calendar page for upcoming Classes!***

Scroll down to the bottom or visit the Testimonials page to see what Jeff's students have to say.

Psychic Defense

Upon completion, class participants will have:

• An understanding of psychic attacks, their various forms, and how psychic attacks work.
• A protocol by which to recognize psychic attacks. 
• Practical knowledge and tools to clear themselves, other people and places of psychic attack, curses, spells, dark entities, and spiritual attachments.
• Guidance for how to protect themselves from psychic attack. 

COST: $350




"The Psychic Defense class is amazing! Jeff has a way of making weird situations less scary. You will come out of this class with a new understanding of the world around you & walk away with tools to help you take the fear out of your life. This was such a great class for me!!! Thank you, Jeff Crawford!"- Carol

“The phrase Psychic attack” seems to be a buzzword in some circles these days, and there is a lot of misinformation floating around out there. Taking Jeff’s class on psychic defense gave me the information to be empowered and confident in my ability to recognize a psychic attack and how to neutralize and clear an affected person or space. We explored diagnosing methods using pendulums and got to practice distance healing on a client who believed she was under psychic attack. On a very personal note- I also realized that it is possible to psychically attack yourself which is something that I unwittingly have been sabotaging myself with for some time. Now that I’m aware of that I can change things."

"This class was a lot more than I expected. Jeff explained psychic attacks, how to identify, avoid and how to defend against them.He also explained how to use our innate psychic abilities and intuition, how to heal (clear) people and spaces, and use this in our own day to day lives. You will find some familiarity toward the end of the day if you've completed his Distance Healing course. That course is not a prerequisite, but I found that familiarity welcome and it helped me in understanding.I found this course very insightful and I highly recommend it."- Chris

"I’m going to consider taking the expanded 2-day class in the future when it becomes available.”-Kate M.

Scroll down to the bottom or visit the Testimonials page to see more of  what Jeff's students have to say.


accelerated Introduction
To Reading The Tarot

Join Jeff for a 2.5-hour introduction to reading the Tarot. 

We will be learning: Tarot History, Tarot Key Words, Tarot Numerology, and the Major Themes.

You will need to bring your own deck of Rider-Waite Tarot cards. 

Space is limited.

$50 for participation.


"Took this course last night. It is a must for anyone interested in learning the Tarot. I can actually read and interpret (on a beginners level), and plan to take the more advanced course in the future. Jeff is an excellent teacher. This is the second class I have taken from him (after Reiki 1 & 2, and I definitely recommend him for any class he offers." [Accelerated Introduction to the Tarot]- Bonnie Mecante;  Nashville, TN

"Hello Jeff!  I would like to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful Tarot class on Wednesday.

It exceeded my expectations and was very informative. Your words gave me goosebumps a few times! I’m extremely grateful for being of part the class. Have a fantastic day!"- Anonymous

Introduction To
Energy Healing

Join Jeff for a 2-hour Introduction to Energy Healing.

We will be learning: What is Energy Healing, How it works, Scientific Explanations, and Basics to Get You Started with your own energy healing experiences. 

$50 for participation.


"Hi Jeff,  I really enjoyed my experience in the intro to energy healing class. I feel like a light was turned on and am looking to working with you in several areas in the near future. I am really looking forward to learning about distance healing and learning tarot with you. I would definitely recommend you and your services to my friends. Thanks again"- Lara

Jeff is an excellent instructor, respectful both of the practice and the students. He was well prepared, communicated effectively, offered real experiential learning and would only proceed to move on when we had understood the concepts presented. I would refer anyone to him to learn or to receive treatments.


N. Cappellino, Nashville TN


“Jeff Crawford is the real deal.  You enter a palpably judgement free zone the minute you meet Jeff.  If you’re fortunate enough to hear anything about what he’s personally been through, and the work he’s done to go from survive to thrive, you cannot help but put your full trust in his knowledge and care. …His abilities will make a difference for you!   The Tarot workshop I participated in with Jeff was stellar. His command and intuitive capacity with it is simply astonishing. And there’s no unnecessary woo-woo, no “window-dressing”.  He teaches you to develop an intuitive and highly personal way of using the Tarot.  He’s so good my wife decided to work with him more intensely as a mentor.   Jeff is a modern Shaman supreme.“

-Chris Hanckock, LCSW

Nashville, TN

"I had already taken Reiki 1 and 2 from a different instructor, but I was curious about Jeff’s class. I had high expectations for Jeff’s teaching based on his experience with Reconnective Healing, Distance Healing, and as a shaman. Jeff surpassed my expectations. I got an abundance of information and preparation that I didn’t receive the first time I took Reiki 1 and 2. He prepared us on how to create a Reiki practice. He consistently built up our confidence in our ability to practice Reiki. The attunement process was more detailed than what I experienced before; it included a guided meditation, meeting a spirit guide, and most students felt the presence of the lineage in the room. It was a small class of six students so every person had the opportunity to practice giving and receiving a full Reiki session multiple times. I feel confident creating a Reiki practice after receiving this class from Jeff Crawford. I am very grateful for his work."

- Stephanie Paul, LMT

"I've been trying other healing modalities for some time and noticed it seemed difficult to find a teacher that offered a class in distance healing. Initially, I got a Quantum Healing session from Jeff and was amazed by how powerful his modality and methods were and knew this was the right person to learn from. The Distance Healing Class was very enjoyable and very informative, in how it was presented. Firstly, I'm a very analytical guy and want to get the history and reasoning behind everything. Jeff not only presented the easy to follow ways to accomplish a healing session, but also the rationale and reasoning behind each part of a healing. During the class we practiced healing sessions and after class I immediately tried it on a few people. I'm amazed by how effective this class is and how I've been able to shock people by how I've suddenly started healing them! HAHA!"

- Alexander Johnson

"My interest in Tarot dates back to twenty years. From the moment I had my first reading, I was amazedby the great insight that the cards can provide. Over time, I tried to satisfy my curiosity through books,which kept me limited. Finally, years later, I came across Jeff’s webpage with the advice of one of hisformer students. After taking his Intro to the Tarot class, I knew that Jeff is the perfect instructor for me.In a two-day intensive course, Jeff patiently and professionally guided his students into the magicalrealm of the Tarot. He shared his knowledge and his experiences readily with all of us. His simple butdetailed description of the cards, well-defined interpretations, and the logical explanation of theconnections between the cards helped me gain a deeper understanding of the Tarot reading. I highlyrecommend Jeff to all those who are ready to take a journey into the spiritual world of Tarot.Thank you, Jeff!"

- Gonul Cannon,  Birmingham, AL

"Moral of the story: even when you know something, there is more to learn.... and Jeff's classes are so worth the time and money to invest in yourself!  I already had taken Reiki 1&2 from another teacher when I first met Jeff. I was looking to complete Reiki 3 and was referred to Jeff by a good friend. Reiki 3 was phenomenal! I realized at that class that there was a lot missing in what I had learned from my prior teacher.

So I have been 'catching up' with Jeff. The order has been backwards but so very helpful! After Reiki 3, I took Jeff's class for Reiki 1 and 2. I felt such confidence after this Reiki training!

Then, I decided to take Jeff's class on distance healing. I really wasn't expecting a lot more with distance healing but I was wrong! I really feel very well rounded now with energy healing.

Even though I am an intuitive reader, I plan on taking Jeff's other classes too.

Thank you Jeff for sharing your gifts and knowledge!"

-Debbie Lynn Sherrell,  Columbia, TN

"This was an amazing class taught online by Jeff Crawford. His personality had no trouble shining thru the computer. The class was fun, engaging, and we all learned more than we could have imagined!"

- Katherine Fulk, Pegram, TN

"Jeff Crawford has been a great friend and an amazing teacher.  He makes learning fun... complicated things easy...and opens the mind with mystery...yet-you may still laugh instead of being overwhelmed.  Basically, if you go to his WILL know your subject!"

- Darren Williams 

Antioch, TN

"Thanks again for hosting the tarot class this past weekend! It was fun, engaging, and really helped me build out the skills I'd already cobbled together myself. "

- Laura Hornsby

"I'm new to the Tarot and have always been curious. I'm very glad to have come across this class! The whole time I felt that we went deep into the symbolism and spirituality of the cards, as opposed to being in a strictly academic class. I was intently attentive during the entire 2 day course. We practiced Tarot readings in class and had an overall great time. Since taking the class, I've been doing several readings on a few people and I'm very surprised by how well I've been using the cards, just based on Jeff's effective teaching techniques. I will most definitely continue taking his other courses and probably take this one again, just to get even more in-depth into this subject. I highly recommend anything offered from Jeff!"

- Alexander Johnson

"Jeff Crawford’s Psychic Defense Class was really useful.  I learned how to use my intention and other tools to clear spaces of negative energy and to protect my own and others’ energy fields.  Jeff has a multitude of information and is a wonderful healer and teacher.  Highly recommended!"

-Tassel Shanebrook

Franklin, TN

"Nashville Shaman Jeff Crawford is a wonderful teacher. He is both grounded in truth and in touch with His connection to Divine.  If you are looking for a teacher, look no further. Jeff Crawford will give you the knowledge you seek. No matter what your path or lineage."

- Jamiell Field (Atsila Feathers)

Woodlawn, TN

"When I signed up for Jeff’s "Learn to Read the Tarot” class, I simply didn’t believe that he’d be able to teach me the Tarot in two days.  I just didn’t believe it.  Jeff did not disappoint! Not only did I learn the Tarot, but I left the class feeling confident that I could give a reading to others.  To say “I’m pleased.” Is an understatement. He simplifies it and will not move on until you’re comfortable.  Please don’t rely on YouTube to teach you Tarot.  Go to someone with a reputation that can take the time you need to help you fully understand the process.  Thank you Jeff! "

- Tira Adams

"In Jeff’s Psychic Defense class, he shared scenarios that I would not have ever thought possible to come across here on earth. If you’ve ever been curious about the spiritual world and want to learn more about how to psychically clear any type of psychic being, this is the class for you. "

- Daphne McIntosh

Columbia, TN


"This [Reiki 1 & 2] class was amazing! I knew I was going to learn, but I had no idea how much it would make me feel! Jeff is amazing! I will definitely be back for more!"

Donna Stephan-Tate, Mt. Juliet, TN

“Jeff is an excellent teacher. He presents the information in an understandable way and gives many examples and follow-up questions to make sure everyone understands the information and the symbols and how to use them. He keeps is EGO in check and has a real sense of service to the class and the subject he is teaching. His teaching materials are organized and researched and very valuable. I look forward to taking more classes with him.”

-D. Arnholter

"I received my Reiki I and II knowledge and attunements from Jeff. Jeff delivers comprehensive, no-nonsense instruction which I found easy to absorb, retain, and put into practice. I will be learning more from Jeff in the future and would highly recommend attending his classes."

- Christopher Duffield

Springboard Peacebuilding LLC.

Nashville, TN

"Such a long day and packed full of intense [Distance Healing] training & learning! The science is incredible.  I can't wait to learn more so I can help a lot of people find the healing they're looking for."

-Geoffrey Louis Koch, Nashville, TN

"The Psychic Defense class is amazing! Jeff has a way of making weird situations less scary. You will come out of this class with a new understanding of the world around you & walk away with tools to help you take the fear out of your life. This was such a great class for me!!! Thank you, Jeff Crawford!"

-Carol Mullins, Nashville TN

"The [Reiki 1 & 2] course exceeded my expectations in both the material covered and the way it was taught.  I also like how you left it up to us to go through the sessions at the end and chat with each other about what was experienced....I'm super excited to start practicing!"

- J.B., Nashville, TN

"Excellent teacher.  I came away with [Distance Healing] techniques and examples of using other knowledge (Reiki 1 & 2 and Tarot) in conjunctions with Distance Healing."

- Bonnie Mercante,  Nashville, TN

"I enjoyed the comprehensiveness of the course and feel like I received a well-rounded training on Reiki.  I enjoyed the hands-on experience and ability to discuss after.  I also loved the amount of honor and respect that is given during a Reiki session.  I appreciated the practicality piece to the teaching.  I also appreciated the focus on the "meat" of the practice and not all the bells and whistles.  I appreciated the feeling of respect and honor to self, client, and creator during the process as all parts coming together for the healing purpose. I honestly wasn't too sure what to expect and i feel like Jeff was able to shed some light onto the unknown." [Reiki 1 & 2]

- Nathan Gibson

"I loved the laid-back atmosphere. Great balance of knowledge and practice in the [ Distance Healing] class."

- Jocelyn Greenman

"I am satisfied above and beyond my expectations.  I wish I had taken this [Reiki 1&2] course a long time ago!  I am very grateful for the content and the presentation."

- Scott Laakman

"WOW! Just WOW! Recently took Jeff's 2 day Tarot workshop and was completely blown away. He will make your brain hurt - in a good way. You spend time really "feeling" the cards, expressing what you are seeing and picking up from them. Really diving into each one and seeing how it correlates with life. He made it easy to understand as well as remember and light bulbs were going off in all of our heads! There is no way anyone can walk away from this workshop not getting their money's worth!"

-LayNa Bolen, Hermitage, TN

"So ecstatic about this [Reiki 1 & 2] experience! Just amazing and out of this world, yet definitely in. I am beyond amazed every time at how the universe works and yet there is so many more unknowns to explore. My commitment to the light has begun. Thank you Jeff Crawford, you are amazing at what you came here to do! I will remember this forever."

-Briana Grinage, Clarksville, TN

" Hey Jeff,  I just wanted to touch base after our class yesterday. I so much enjoyed the experience, training and teaching. It has been amazing.I am even more in a bliss and gratitude state today. If that makes sense. I know it does! Thank you for sharing your gifts, story, and training. But that doesn't even cover what I received and experienced from working with you and the peers I was gifted to be with on this journey.

Much gratitude and thanks!"

- Noel Ann Summar

"I have taken a couple of Jeff Crawford's classes and have enjoyed both of them immensely. I have learned so much from Jeff that enables me to live a well-equipped and and well-rounded life, which has also enabled me to help others to do the same. He is intelligent, focused, kind, caring, very organized and effective in his tranining modules. Anyone who finds themselves under the tutelage of this fine gentleman will find themselves as equally equpped and well-rounded. I recommend him highly to anyone on this journey called life."

-Rosa Moore, Nashville TN

"I am very pleased to have taken this class and I look forward to taking more classes with Jeff.  This course was very thorough & helpful in furthering my knowledge of Reiki & healing with energy."

- Kaylee Tedder,  Winter Park, FL

"Jeff is an amazing teacher.  Concepts are very easy to learn by the way it is presented.  Fully engaged, makes sure information is understood.  - So simple its difficult - Easy to follow along - All students get attention - Learn, then practice. Love it! - Very hands-on." [Reiki 1 & 2]

- Chuck Fletcher

"Jeff did an excellent job of teaching the Distance Healing class and providing us with references for some of his material.  I can't wait to read the new book about Distance Healing that he gave us!  After doing a couple of distance healings, I felt more confidence and look forward to doing more sessions."

- Janet

"My son and I have had Reconnective Healing sessions with Jeff that were life changing to say the least.  Now we've taken it a step further and used Jeff as a teacher for Reiki.  My son and I are anxious to begin sharing our own gift of healing in our own practice."[Reiki 1&2]

- Vicky Wright

"Jeff's approach is comprehensive and grounding! Loved the [Reiki 1 & 2] class!"

- Gena Leone

"Hey Jeff! I wanted to reach out and let you know that I’ve started seeing clients on Saturdays and Tuesdays! I’m renting space from a local therapist downtown. I’ve made business cards and am starting to get myself out there. The clients that I have seen so far gave me really good feedback and I am feeling confident. Thanks Jeff!"

- B.K., Nashville, TN  [Reiki 1 & 2]

"I have taken several of Jeff's classes & I'd like to comment that Jeff is a phenomenal teacher. He explains energy healing in a way that combines scientific facts & spiritual philosophies to convey the magic that happens around us every moment of every day. Jeff empowers you to acknowledge your experience & what you know. He empowers you to see & use your innate talents & abilities with a grounded approach that allows you to acknowledge the ways you have already been using your gifts. Learning with Jeff has allowed me to approach the situations in my life with more ease & grace thereby allowing solutions to arise with ease & grace. Just know that the time you invest with Jeff you are investing in yourself... & its well worth it. Your life is gonna change! :)"

-Carol Mullins, Nashville TN

"Jeff just keeps amazing me every time I take one of his classes.  You not only learn a lot, but he makes it fun!! I think I am becoming addicted to taking his classes.  Everyone should take a class from Him! You won't regret it!!" [Distance Healing]

- Donna Stephan-Tate

"Hi Jeff,  I really enjoyed my experience in the Intro to Energy Healing class. I feel like a light was turned on and am looking to working with you in several areas in the near future. I am really looking forward to learning about distance healing and learning tarot with you. I would definitely recommend you and your services to my friends. Thanks again."

- Lara T, Nashville, TN

"Jeff is one of the most powerful, authentic practitioners from whom I have received.  I love his work and I love his courses.  I have and will continue to recommend him to others" [Reiki 3]

- Alli Watts

"So excited! Reiki Level 1 & 2 complete. Its been some super intense training and I look forward to working with and helping people and animals. This is going to be an awesome journey and there are good things in the future for my clients. Very much looking forward to making a difference in myself as well as out there in the world! Now who wants some Balance and Harmony in their life? I'm ready to go to work!"

- Laura B., Hermitage, TN

"Jeff knows his stuff and truly cares about his students and his practice.  If you are searching for information about Reiki and its health benefits, look no further."

- Kristen Linton, Nashville, TN

"The [Reiki 1 & 2] course exceeded my expectations in both the material covered and the way it was taught...I'm super excited to start practicing."

- Jacob Barta, Nashville, TN

"Jeff is an amazing shaman, healer and teacher. I have been lucky enough to not only experience Quantum Light Shamanic Healing and Reconnective Energy Healing from him, but have also taken his Reiki and Tarot classes. With each experience, he has proven to be intuitive, loving and extremely knowledgeable. The healings I have received and the classes I have taken have been truly life changing. I highly recommend working with him and experiencing his light and love."

-David Harris, Nashville TN

"I feel Reki is ingrained in my soul now and Because of your extraordinary teaching skills I am ready to go. The symbols seem to be in my head permanently. See you are too good of a teacher!!"

- Anonymous

"I love this course.  Jeff made it easy to learn.  Not only do I feel prepared to go out in the world, but I am driven to learn more. Thank you." [Reiki 3]

- Darren Williams, Antioch, TN


"The 2 day Tarot class led by Jeff was more than an educational experience. Yes I learned a lot about the cards and reading them but it was more than this. It was the practice reading the cards, the confidence gained and the validation to continue working with them.  It was a privilege to learn from Jeff and share this experience with  the remarkable group of people that found their way to the class I was in.  I look forward to another class with Jeff."

-Amy Taylor

"Excellent Reiki 1 & 2 class/instructor/experience! I am looking forward to more instruction and learning from Jeff!!!"

- Elise Sonafelt

"I had an amazing time during the tarot class.  It was fun and filled with so much useful information.  I was blown away by all of the additional messages hidden in the cards.  I have a better understanding of the tarot and excited to explore further.  I am so grateful for this transformative experience.  Thank you Jeff!"

- Vonna Dailey , Clarksville, TN.

"Jeff really is the best teacher.  He makes learning fun.  No intimidation...and when you complete the course, you are very comfortable and knowledgeable about the subject."

- Janet Wells, Nashville, TN  [Reiki 3]

"I learned more in Jeff’s 2-day [Tarot] workshop than I had in struggling for quite some time trying to learn and interpret card meanings on my own. Jeff’s systematic approach helps you quickly synthesize the meanings and relationships of each card within the broader context of the Tarot story.

In addition, Jeff provides a warm, “safe” space to share your experiences and be vulnerable to learning something new. I highly recommend this course and I intend to take other courses with Jeff."

-Julie G.

“The phrase Psychic attack” seems to be a buzzword in some circles these days, and there is a lot of misinformation floating around out there. Taking Jeff’s class on psychic defense gave me the information to be empowered and confident in my ability to recognize a psychic attack and how to neutralize and clear an affected person or space. We explored diagnosing methods using pendulums and got to practice distance healing on a client who believed she was under psychic attack. On a very personal note- I also realized that it is possible to psychically attack yourself which is something that I unwittingly have been sabotaging myself with for some time. Now that I’m aware of that I can change things.

I’m going to consider taking the expanded 2-day class in the future when it becomes available.”

-Kate Millard, Santa Fe, NM

"Jeff is thorough and committed and offers much hands-on practice.  He clearly is a dedicated teacher and practitioner.  He has a relaxed style that puts one at ease in order to do the work at hand.  I'm happy and proud to join his "tribe"." [Reiki 3]

- Deborah Hopper

"Thank you so much Jeff!  I have more confidence to be a Reiki practitioner and I feel happy to be alive."[Reiki 1 & 2]

- Paul Swartz

"Hi Jeff,  Thank you so much for these beautiful pictures. I had an amazing experience. I am so happy that I met such an amazing teacher, guru, healer and most importantly the  nicest person.  I am gonna start practicing reiki soon for the clients probably by June( if everything works out). But as of now doing for my kids. I will keep you posted.  Thanks again"

- Veni Boreddy,  Mt. Juliet, TN

"Best teacher EVER! I know, I had a not so great one the first time around. I feel so much better after I redid all my classes with Jeff! 10 STARS!"

-Jessica Weir, Nashville TN

"Fantstic experience!  This class opened my eyes...and then some!  I can't wait to continue working with Reiki in my day to day likfe.  Thank you!"

- Drew Robinson, Chapmansboro, TN

"This class was more fulfilling than I could've imagined.  Jeff, you're an amazing spiritual being and I am grateful for the work that you do."

- Nikkita Ngongi,  Nashville, TN

"This class was a game changer for sure!  Thank you!"

- Vicki Martin,  Gallatin, TN

"I really enjoyed the course.  It was so much more than I ever expected.  Thanks!"

- Noel Anne Summar

"This course exceded my expectations!  I feel confident now in my ability to practice Reiki!"

- Courtney Dane

"Jeff's mixture of knowledge, experience, and humor made this an amazing learning experience for me.  His passion as a teacher is evident right away.  He shows up from the heart!"

- Jason Latham,  Nashville, TN

"Wow!  What a life changing experience.  I've learned so much and I can't wait to apply all of the new knowledge.  I would pay to take this course all over again just for a good time! :-). Very satisfied.  Thank you, Jeff!"

- Vonna Dailey,  Clarksville, TN

"After this course, I feel a new sense of confidence; not just in my abilities as a healer, but in myself.  Jeff is a kind and thoughtful teacher.  He guided us through this new skill with grace and ease - and a good sence of humor!  I will definitely be back for more!"

- Emery Wilkins, Nashville, TN

"Jeff provided explanations and an education that allowed me to connect the dots I've been trying to connect for years.  This was a safe and nurturing environment and I will be taking additional classes in the near future.  I look forward to experiencing and sharing Reiki and developing my other skills/gifts.  :-)"

- Stefani Wood,  West Moreland, TN

"Jeff is such a grounded thorough teacher who explains the scientific aspects of why & how Reiki & energy healing works.  Thank you, Jeff!" [Reiki 3]

- Annonymous

“I enjoyed taking this class with Jeff. The classroom environment was very comfortable and conducive to learning. The materials used were extremely informative and Jeff’s presentation was excellent. He uses several learning modalities for information retention and application. I highly recommend this class and look forward to taking other classes offered by Jeff Crawford.”

-A. Simons

"Jeff is an awesome mentor & teacher!  Highly recommended!!! Talented, down-to-earth, and trustworthy."

- Shorntai Patton, Nashville, TN

"Very thorough - a lot of pertinent information.  Jeff made it easy to remember, even when we were challenged to prove what we learned.  I have been under the tutelage of other energy healers, but none quite as helpful, caring and as good a teacher as Jeff.  He makes it easy to retain information and showed us how to utilize it." [Reiki 3]

- Annonymous

“Jeff is an extraordinary teacher (and person in general) and I highly recommend him as an instructor in any area of expertise that he is proficient in. He knows how to relate to all levels of individuals and is truly a caring individual.”

-S. Bivens

"This course was very understandable the Jeff taught it.  He answered  all questions with assurement and confidence.  I feel super confident in giving my future cleints Reiki.  Just knowing that people I encounter will get the healing deserved." [Reiki 1 & 2]

- Brianna

"After this course, I feel a new sense of confidence; not just in my abilities as a healer, but in myself.  Jeff is a kind and thoughtful teacher.  He guided us through this new skill with grace and ease - and a good sence of humor!  I will definitely be back for more!"

- Emery Wilkins, Nashville, TN

"Jeff provided explanations and an education that allowed me to connect the dots I've been trying to connect for years.  This was a safe and nurturing environment and I will be taking additional classes in the near future.  I look forward to experiencing and sharing Reiki and developing my other skills/gifts.  :-)"

- Stefani Wood,  West Moreland, TN

"This Reiki class was an amazing experience.  Jeff did an excellent job balancing text material and hands-on learning."

- LaShawnna Kenner, Carlsbad, CA

"I feel blessed to be apart of this Reiki 1 & 2 class.  I can't wait to continue with more classes with Jeff.  I highly recommend this course!"

- Brooke Dominey, Antioch, TN

"Amazing!  I learned so much!  Jeff is an engaging & interesting teacher.  I can't wait to take Reiki 3!"

- Jennifer Kinney,  Bon Aqua, TN

“I love your teaching methods – organized & clear with quality information. The atmosphere is easy & comfortable. Location is easy to find and good parking. Thank you for enriching my life!”

-B. Perry

"Jeff really is the best teacher.  He makes learning fun.  No intimidation.  And when you complete the course, you are very capable and knowledgeable about the subject." [Reiki 3]

- Janet Wells

“This class has been an amazing & life changing class.  It was taught in such a manor that you can truly relate with each Tarot card and be able to apply what has been taught to the Tarot readings. The psychic attunement was extremely spiritual & life affirming ….to have my light within shine in order to bring healing to others.  I highly recommend this class to all!” 

- M. Martin

" I got a lot out of this class.  I feel much more confident performing Reiki." [Reiki 3]

- Amy Taylor

“Jeff, many thanks for a truly wonderful Tarot class. Your very special spiritual and healing way of teaching was profound. I walked away with a strong love, appreciation and understanding of the Tarot and the Fool’s (as well as my own) spiritual journey. …”

- M. Grogan

“… Wow! This weekend was amazing. You are a great teacher and communicator and you should just KNOW that you are doing what you need to do. …when you gave us the attunement, I had an amazing experience of being shown all the Major Arcana in rapid order and the colors lit up and it was like they were integrating into my psychic being. Very profound. .”

-D. Arnholter

“The class was amazing and sooo much more than I could have imagined!”

-C. Mullins

“Jeff is an excellent teacher. I learned a lot in our 2-day course. I would recommend this class to others. Jeff is an authentic healer who inspires us to believe in our power to help heal others!”

-K. Eager

"Jeff is awesome & a well organized, concise instructor.  You will always walk away feeling more sure, more capable, and more in tune with both how to heal yourself & others.  I consider him a friend & mentor for life."

S. P.,  Nashville, TN [Reiki 3]

“Jeff is a good teacher and if you need to take a real experience in learning Usui Tibetan Reiki, Jeff is the perfect person to teach you!”

- M. Swartz

“The class was taught so that everyone understood the material.  Jeff is open to all questions and provides helpful answers and advice.  He is extremely encouraging and wants all his students to succeed.”

- L. Kerr

"Wonderful teacher - conveyed information in an approachable manner with good humor.  Thank you!"

- Alyssa Kark, Nashville, TN  [Reiki 3]

“It was great seeing Jeff being so passionate with what he loves to do. His energy was amazing and the class was very educational. Thanks Jeff for bringing this new (to me) type of energy modality to my attention.”

- Kelly, Nashville TN

"Jeff is an excellent instructor.  He teaches the material in a manner that is easy to understand." [Reiki 1 & 2]

- Anonymous

"I appreciate that what was taught was done so in a way that made me respect Reiki, but was also delivered with levity and humor.  Jeff Crawford is a wonderful teacher.  I feel that this is a jumping-off point to a new stage of my life.  I will use what I learned here for the rest of my existence and maybe my next as well!" [Reiki 1&2]

- Ariel McCasland

"Another great training with practical hands-on experience that empowers me to use the information immediately!"

- Anonymous

"This class was different tan the other Reiki classes I have taken in the past.  I really preferred this one over the others"

- Daphne McIntosh,  Columbia, TN

"Jeff is an incredible teacher that inspires his students to be their best."

- Kelsey Albright,  Greenbrier, TN

"This class was fun and inviting.  I learned so much, and the atmosphere was amazing.  I met wonderful friends that I will have for a long time to come.  And the energy was welcoming and positive.  I couldn't have asked for more!  I will absolutely be taking more classes from Jeff in the future."

- Jill Bevans, Hendersonville, TN

"I feel like I reached a higher level of understanding of Reiki.  Great teacher & mentor."

- Teri Herron,  Murfreesboro, TN

"I really enjoyed this class.  Jeff is a great instructor and made it very comfortable to be in his space."

- Dacia Hoppe,  Clarksville, TN

Energy Class 2017
Tarot Class 2018
Tarot Class 2017
Tarot Class 2018
Reiki Weekend 04 2018 (4)
Reiki Graduates 2018
Graduation 2018


Services offered by Jeff Crawford including Quantum Light Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®, Distance Healing and Animal Healing are Alternative Practices, are not regulated as a medical practice, nor are licensed by the state. Energetic Healing is not therapeutic or diagnostic by design or intent. Jeff Crawford is not a licensed physician and makes no claims of medical efficacy, nor does he guarantee any specific outcomes. He does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All medical questions are to be referred to your personal physician. You may be fortunate enough to have your expectations fulfilled through your sessions and you may be even luckier to have an experience which you could not possibly have anticipated. Do not suspend your prescribed medical treatments without consulting your physician.

No psychic or tarot reading given by Jeff Crawford is intended to nor should it take the place of professional services including, but not limited to medical, legal, financial, business and/or psychological. Nor can Jeff assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damage, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions/actions subsequent to or based on tarot readings or teachings. Tarot readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute.

Quantum Light Healing®


Jeff Crawford

Nashville's Shaman®

2233 Smith Springs Road

Nashville, TN  37217



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Hours:  M-F 9am to 7pm/Sat 9am to 2pm/Sun 12pm to 4:30pm

Copyright Quantum Light Healing® 2015

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