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Happy​ Thanksgiving One and All​!!!!

Happy​ Thanksgiving One and All​!!!!

Today I am mindful and​ grateful for my calling as an energy healer​ in such a magical and mysterious world.

Having been raised in a system of organized religion, which I served for so many years, I spent my former ​life doing what I thought was the "right thing". But my erstwhile limited ​understanding of God and of what I thought I should do paradoxically ​led me into patterns of self-betrayal and "falling on the sword" for the "greater good". Underneath it all​, I lived my life ​as a very frustrated, ​ and confused soul. The more I learned, the more troubled I became with the inconsistencies inherent in church organizations​. My personal ​experience of God was not supported by church theology. I lived in a downward spiraling tunnel.... experiencing ​a sense of emptiness and loss of meaning​ in the pit of my stomach...compartmentalizing myself.......​dutifully playing​ the roles I had obligated myself to play in my work, my relationships, and in my family. Drudgery.... Depression... Confusion was the inevitable consequence.....yet all the while a part of me intuitively knew that there was MORE to life than living on this treadmill​.

Then EVERYTHING changed. God saw fit to allow me to experience God's-self in ways that challenged everything I thought I knew. I accepted an opportunity to lead ghost tours which first opened me up​ to a ​better and more comprehensive​ understanding of​ the anatomy and nature of those parts of ourselves which are eternal. Through the study of the Tarot, I rediscovered my faith, ​ as I found in it ​a compendium of esoteric and historical information preserved and passed on by spiritual people from all walks of life around the world. Through the experience of,​ and then ​learning to work with energetic healing, I found the miraculous. In the Peruvian Amazon I experienced an epiphany that shook the foundations of my world. The universe's divine plan for me suddenly became crystal clear, ​ after finding and being reconnected with​ my timeless adopted Shipibo family, my identity as a shaman, and my purpose as one who heals and brings people into their own power. AND it just keeps getting better and better!

I am thankful for my supportive partner and children. I am grateful for the teachers and​ friends that God saw fit to place in my path, if even just for a short time. They have impacted me in eternal ways. Lastly, ​ I am thankful for all of you who allow me to be a part of your journeys​ as you step into the fullness of your power; changing your hearts, your ​lives, the lives of those ​around you, and ultimately the world.

I am sending gratitude and love to you all​.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quantum Light Healing®


Jeff Crawford

Nashville's Shaman®

2233 Smith Springs Road

Nashville, TN  37217



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Hours:  M-F 9am to 7pm/Sat 9am to 2pm/Sun 12pm to 4:30pm

Copyright Quantum Light Healing® 2015

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