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Jeff doesn’t pretend to be anything he is not...that being said, Jeff is such a gift to all those he comes in contact with. He is a wonderful teacher and genuinely wants to empower those that have sought him out.

After my retirement, my path became wide open! I began reconnecting with my culture and a big part of that is the spiritual healing practices used in everyday life. I was looking for a Curandera or Shaman of Meso American or South American. I found Jeff!!

His story and connections to Peru grabbed me and I signed up for my first class. I have now taken ALL his classes because his wisdom and teachings are the true Shamanic ways. He puts his heart into his practice and his knowledge sets him apart from other Practitioners. I’ve also experienced his Quantum Light Healing. The amount of Energy flowing felt as though I was cosmic particles gently coming apart and back together. It’s transforming and I’m so grateful. Muchas Gracias por siempre agradecido.


- Michelle Cook,

Pembroke, KY

Thank you for your interest in a healing session, tarot reading, or class. Scroll down for booking options. Please email or call Jeff if you have further questions regarding your session.  See the Booking Facts for pertinent information regarding your session. Scroll down to the bottom or visit the Testimonials page to see what Jeff's students have to say.

If you are not sure which service to schedule, or if this is your first experience working with Jeff, please schedule a GUIDED BEGINNINGS session and include notes indicating what you are experiencing and what you hope to gain from the session. 

Booking Facts:

1. All Healing Sessions are booked in 1-Hour increments.

2. Tarot Appointments are booked in 30 or 60-minute increments.

3. For our Cancellation policy, please scroll down the page.


Book a Class or Service

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.


Session Cancellation:

When you schedule a session with Jeff, that time is reserved for you and you alone. A fair policy has been adopted of full payment (full session fee) for appointments not cancelled or re-scheduled at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time. You are responsible for the full fee for any no-show/no-call appointments.  

Class Cancellation:
When you book a class with Jeff, that seat is reserved for you. You may cancel up to 1 week in advance for a full refund. 1 week to 72 hours in advance of the class, you may receive credit towards another class. Any cancellations less than 72 hours forfeits any deposits or payments."

Bundled Services:
Bundled Services are  non-refundable after the first session is scheduled.  Bundled Services are are non-transferable.

I met with Jeff for the first time ever yesterday for a Reconnective Healing session. It was an amazing experience! I have noticed a greater sense of heightened awareness in everything around me since walking out of his office. And the changes I have already begun to notice in MANY areas of my life have me not only feeling very blessed but also very excited! Jeff mentioned things that he could not have ever known without his gifts. Thank you for sharing them with me so I can now embrace my own.


-Ramona Childers, Madison TN

Cone Shape Lamps

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Quantum Light Healing®


Jeff Crawford

Nashville's Shaman®

2233 Smith Springs Road

Nashville, TN  37217



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Hours:  M-F 9am to 7pm/Sat 9am to 2pm/Sun 12pm to 4:30pm

Copyright Quantum Light Healing® 2015

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