Become A Distance Healer - June 22nd
Students may attend in person or online via Zoom.

Service Description
Join me for a class on Distance Healing. • Learn how to conduct a Distance Healing. • Review scientific concepts and studies that provide logical & rational explanations for how and why Distance Healings work. • Conduct Distance Healings on your personal friends and loved ones. By the end of our time together, you will have: • A better understanding of Distance Healing • The actual hands-on experience of conducting Distance Healings • Real live feedback from people about how they experienced your Distance Healing. • The experience and confidence to conduct Distance Healings on your own. Whether you want to offer Distance Healing professionally or just for those you love, this class is for you! Class Cancellation: When you book a class with Jeff, that seat is reserved for you. A fair policy has been adopted of requiring a 50% deposit at the time of booking your class. You may cancel up to 1 week in advance for a full refund. 1 week to 72 hours in advance of the class, you may receive credit towards another class. Any cancellations less than 72 hours forfeits any deposits or payments."
Upcoming Sessions
"Session Cancellation: When you schedule a session with Jeff, that time is reserved for you and you alone. A fair policy has been adopted of full payment (full session fee) for appointments not cancelled or re-scheduled at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time. You are responsible for the full fee for any no-show/no-call appointments. Class Cancellation: When you book a class with Jeff, that seat is reserved for you. You may cancel up to 1 week in advance for a full refund. 1 week to 72 hours in advance of the class, you may receive credit towards another class. Any cancellations less than 72 hours forfeits any deposits or payments."
Contact Details
+ 615-848-8574
Smith Springs Road 2233, Nashville, TN 37217, USA